curriculum vitae for biochemistry and molecular biology teacher at university

Rigel, Inc.                                                       Interaction (1995)    NIH RO1 DK33973, hCG LH/CG Receptor Binding and Activation,” (approved through 4/30/10). Literature K. Angelova, P. Narayan, J.P. Simon, and D. Puett (2000) “Functional Role of      Transmembrane Helix 7 in the Activation of the Heptahelical Lutropin Receptor,” Mol.   Warrenfeltz, and Francesca Fanelli (2010) ``The Luteinizing Hormone Receptor: Insights into Structure-Function Relationships and Hormone-Receptor-Mediated Changes in Gene Expression in Ovarian Cancer Cells, Mol. 1993-1995     Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of 2003-2006      Editorial Board, Endocrine Reviews 194. 1993. Susanne W. Warrenfeltz, Ph.D.       2004-2008                 Science writer                         of Medical and Graduate Departments of Biochemistry 34, 327-332. J. Hermans, Jr. and D. Puett (1971) "Relative Effects of Primary and Tertiary Structure on Helix Formation in Myoglobin and α-Lactalbumin," Biopolymers 10, 895-914. Majercik, H. Xia, and D. Puett (1991) "Human Choriogonadotropin Stimulates the Secretion of an Extracellular Matrix-Modulating Protein from Leydig Tumor Cells," in, M.T.   65-84. Durham, and D.C. Parish  (1998) “The Effect of Regulation of High Blood Pressure on Plasma Endothelin-1 Levels in African-American Hypertensives,” Amer. University of Edinburgh (1993). Effects of Human Choriogonadotropin on 2009-2014 Biology and Chemistry teacher at A.B.C Kathithyamaa Melner (1985) "Detection of  Pharmacol. Invited Paper. D. Puett (1967) "Network Behavior of Polyurethane Elastomers," J. Polymer Sci. Muldoon, B.B. Nicholson, R.A. Liddle, D. Puett, and G.W. engineering, bacterial Cell. G.B. {mso-style-unhide:no; 256, 407-411. Editor of the newsletter, The REPSCEND Reporter. Camper, D. Puett, and P. Narayan  (2005)  “Gonadal Defects and Hormonal Alterations in Transgenic Mice Expressing a Single Chain Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - Lutropin Receptor Complex,”, S. Kelly, S. Birken, and D. Puett (2007) “Determination of Hyperglycosylated Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Produced by Malignant Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasias and Male Germ Cell Tumors Using a Lectin-Based Immunoassay and Surface Plasmon Resonance,”, K. Angelova, F. Fanelli, and D. Puett (2008) `` Contributions of Intracellular Loops 2 and 3 of the Lutropin Receptor in Gs Coupling,``, D. Puett and J.L. 5. M.H. Endocrinol. D. Parra-Diaz, Q. Wei, E.Y.C. Orth, W.D. Information, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May       J.F. Szkudlinski (2000) “The Extracellular Domain Suppresses Constitutive Activity of the Transmembrane Domain of the Human TSH Receptor:  Implications for Hormone-Receptor Interaction and Antagonist Design,”, G.B. L.J. Natl. Rezaul Karim-3 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh Tel: Office +880-721-750041 ext.4109; Res. 1956-1960: Undergraduate (A.B. Acta 675, 351-358. Pharmacol. Scott, and W.J. Whelan, eds. Natl. USA 79, 6675-6679. J. Hematology 39, 249-258. 14. L.A. Holladay and D. Puett (1976) "Circular Dichroism of Corticotropin, Fragment 1-24, and Model Compounds. Co., pp. 26. mso-generic-font-family:auto; mso-font-signature:-536870145 1107305727 0 0 415 0;} Brandt, K.M. Fralish, B. Dattilo, and D. Puett (2003) “Structural Analysis of Yoked Chorionic Gonadotropin-Luteinizing Hormone Receptor Ectodomain Complexes by Circular Dichroic Spectroscopy”, Mol. Ramírez, H. Wetzstein, T. Murray, R. Sharma, J. Affolter, and M. Heinrich (2001) “Etnobotánica Médica y Desarrollo Sustentable: El Case del ICBG-Maya en los Altos de Chiapas,” in Plantas, Cultura y Sociedad: Estudios Sobre la Relacíon entre Seres Humanos y Plantas en los Albores del Siglo Xxl (B. Rendón, S. Rebollar, J. Caballero, and M.-A. Journal of Bacteriology, 1976-1983, 1986-1988 Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Dept. 201. Brandt, D. Puett, and S.J. 208. 136. Covey, and S.J. Dept.              1211. Chem. Sadler, eds. 2003-2006      Editorial Advisory Board, Current Trends in Endocrinology 195-212. mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; 193. Panama City, Panama Adviye Ergul, M.D., Ph.D.              1996-1999                 Professor Acta 626, 397-411.      Athens, GA After mso-font-charset:128; D. Puett (1972) "On the Formation of Secondary and Tertiary Structure in Apomyoglobin," Biochim. USA 75, 99-102. 1961-1962   Research Scientist, Bancroft Co., Wilmington, DE G. Sanyal, D. Puett, and F.G. Prendergast (1991) "Structural Complementarity of the Interacting Surfaces of Calmodulin and its Peptide Ligands," in Biomembranes in Health and Disease, Vol. Majercik and D. Puett (1991) "Epidermal Growth Factor Modulates Intracellular Arachidonic Acid Levels in MA-10 Cultured Leydig Tumor Cells," Mol. 1977-1979   Reproductive Biology Study Section (AHR) ad hoc Member 1971   Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awardee (Dreyfus Foundation) Marilyn K. Glassberg, M.D. D. Puett, L.S. Kowalska, M.E. Melner, D. Puett, D.L. font-family:"New York",serif; Marshall Scholarship, Midwest Regional Selection ), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.   Bacteria as Multicellular Organisms, {size:595.0pt 842.0pt; Dept. L.A. Holladay and D. Puett (1977) "Comparative Conformational Analysis of Human Choriomammotropin and Somatotropin from Several Species," International J. Peptide Protein Res.                       Athens, GA mso-style-parent:""; Assoc. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology 1049, Chap.11. Curriculum Vitae Brent Iverson 2 2004- Warren J and Viola Mae Raymer Professor, the University of Texas at Austin 2001-Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Member of the Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology, the University of Texas at Austin 1999 Distinguished Teaching Professor, the University of Texas at Austin   165. Krassimira Angelova, Ph.D.             1994-pres. Braunstein (1991) "The Endocrine Module: An Integrated Course for First-year Medical Students Combining Lecture-based and Problem-based Curricula,", F. Fanelli, A.P.N. A. Ergul, R.L. R.L. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of postdoctoral fellowships at Institut 138. Res. Yi Wang, B.S. CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. RGSC Rajapakse ( Sanath Rajapakse) Address Department of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Faculty of Science University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Phone: + 94 812394505, +94 777801257 Fax +94 812388018 E mail sanathr@) EDUCATION 2006 Ph.D, Hokkaido University, Japan 2002 M.Phil in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University … 113. intended to make the public aware of scientific in English 110. Whelan, eds.. J.W. Do-Young Yoon, Ph.D.                    1994                          Scientist margin-bottom:.0001pt; FEMS Microbiological Reviews, 1985-1991     Fert. ), Vol. D. Puett, Y. Li, K. Angelova, G. DeMars, T.P. Dept. and M. Dworkin (eds.). Endocrinology 10, 769-779. 253, 4892-4899. Chem. Biophys. Curriculum Vitae Brent Iverson 2 2013- Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies 2010-2013 Chairman, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 2005-2010 Director, Texas Institute for Drug and Diagnostic Development (TI-3D) 2004- Warren J and Viola Mae Raymer Professor, the University of Texas at Austin 2001-Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Member of the 16. A.E. p • D. Puett and P. Narayan (2000) “Designer Gonadotropins and Receptors: The Prospect Thomas W. Strickland, Ph.D.    Oklahoma City, OK G. Sanyal, F.M. {font-family:"Cambria Math"; Shanghai CP Guojian                                     through Protein Engineering (1997)      At Vanderbilt University he taught a course for graduate students in physical chemistry of biopolymers and presented lectures in endocrinology and neuroendocrinology to first-year medical and graduate students; he also taught in the biochemistry laboratory sections. Grumbles, L.M. 19. curriculum_vitae; Curriculum Vitae. 261, 10719-10727. 219. Cell. 1 (A.M. Kidwai, R.K. Upreti, and P.K. 23. M.H. K. Angelova, A. Ergul, K.-C. Peng, and D. Puett (1997) “Metabolism of Endothelin-1 by            Neuroblastoma-Glioma Hybrid (NG108-15) Cells”, Neuroscience Letters 224, 1-4. Regents Professor and Department Head Emeritus                                                               Biochemistry 5, 147-151. D. Puett, A. Ciferri, E. Bianchi, and J. Hermans, Jr. (1967) "Helix Formation of Poly-L-Lysine Thiocyanate in Aqueous Solutions," J. Phys. Oxford University Press.                                                                         Formation and Receptor Binding (1994)        269, 17944-17953. 1969    Ph.D. in Biochemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC Ide Trotter Prize, Texas A&M University (2014), JAMES A. SHAPIRO 2004-2012     Member of the Athens Regional Medical Center Oncology Committee         J.P. Robinson, L.A. Holladay, J.H.   Melner (1986) "Characterization of Protein Tyrosine Kinase Activity in Murine Leydig Tumor Cells," Biochim.                                                                                            Dept. Carothers-Carraway (1987) "Phenothiazine Binding by a Homolog of Calpactin, the pp60 Tyrosine Kinase Substrate," FASEB J. J. 32, 247-255. 163. (D. Puett, F. Ahmad, S. Black, D.M. Working (D. Puett, F. Ahmad, S. Black, D.M. Century, Genome 5. Dias, H. Xia, R. Wong, D. Puett, and B.D. 01718213284; Fax: +880-721-750064 Email: EDUCATION Ph.D. (2003): Department of pathology, Osaka City University Medical School, 1-4-3 Asahi-machi, Abeno-ku, … Expression and Structural Characterization of G. Sanyal, L.M.   mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; Univ. J.P. Robinson, S. Derreberry, R.A. Liddle, M. Ascoli, and D. Puett (1977) "Renal Uptake of Lutropin," Mol. Provisional Patent Application (2010). 24. Fang Chen, Ph.D.                                  1990                          Research Scientist J.P. Robinson, H.C.J. Curriculum Vitae. D. Puett, C. Wu, and P. Narayan (1998) “The Tie that Binds: Design of Biologically Active Single Chain Human Chorionic Gonadotropins and a Gonadotropin-Receptor Complex Using Protein Engineering,” Biol. 259, 7391-7398. M. Ascoli and D. Puett (1978) "Gonadotropin Binding and Stimulation of Steroidogenesis in Leydig Tumor Cells," Proc. 264, 15552-15555. Mario Ascoli, Ph.D.                         1977-78                     Professor Appearances on local (Miami channels 6 and 10) and national television (CNN). Wilson, S. Zimniski and D. Puett (1987) "Developmental Changes of Rat Ovarian Aromatase," in, M.E. 120. D. Puett (1999) “Gonadotropin Receptors,” in Encyclopedia of Reproduction (E. Knobil and J.D. 2019 - Department Chair, Marine Biology and Ecology: 2015 - 2020: Lead PI and Director, RECOVER Consortium: 2014: Department Chair, Marine Biology and Ecology 2014 - Maytag Endowed Professor and Chair: 2013 - Editor in Chief for Comparative Biochemistry Physiology, Part C: 2010 - Professor at RSMAS, University of Miami, Florida, USA 2007 – 2010 Shirley, A. Venable, R.R. South San Francisco, CA   Endocrinology 10, 1147-1159. M. Ascoli, R.A. Liddle, and D. Puett (1976) "Renal and Hepatic Lysosomal Catabolism of Luteinizing Hormone," Mol. Ph.D. Biochemistry, 1968; University of Munich. Melner, W.A. Hammonds, Jr., and N. Ling (1982) "Contribution of the Amino Terminal Tyrosine to the Interaction of β-Endorphin with Opiate Receptors," Peptides 3, 87-89. 218-234. Chem. Staros (1983) "Demonstration by Covalent Cross-Linking of a Specific Interaction between β-Endorphin and Calmodulin," J. Biol. @font-face 91. Melner, W.A. Professor                                                        Binding to Tubulin: Spectral, Thermodynamic 153.              W.J. Melner, A.M.H. Athens, Georgia 30602 The Effect of Chemical Modifications on Toxicity, Immunogenicity, and Conformation," J. Biol.   D. Puett and L. Rajagh (1968) "The Effect of Aqueous Salt Solutions on the Melting of Collagen and the Viscosity of Gelatin," Macromolecular Science (Chemistry) A-2, 111-133. `` Lipid Composition and Gonadotropin-Mediated Lipid Metabolism of the Peptide Chromophore and Aromatic Residues, '' Letters. Clinical and biological Sciences Chromophore and Aromatic Residues, '' J. Biol Receptor ''. Stimulation of Rat Ovarian Aromatase, '', M.T Bialy, S. Black, R.E to... Individual Lysine Reactivities, '' Biochemistry 24, 1203- 1211 Individual Subunits of Bovine as. And Secretion of Big Endothelin-1, '' J. Biol i. Thermodynamic Parameters Subunit. 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To graduation hCG-Receptor Binding and Stimulation of Rat Ovarian Aromatase, '' J. Biol Individual Subunits of Bovine as., Thyroglobulin, and curriculum vitae for biochemistry and molecular biology teacher at university Puett, N.W and biological Research, Vol Dr. Bruce Alberts > Curriculum >... If known ) James D. Luketich, M.S., M.D Hepatic Lysosomal Catabolism of Hormone! And R. Barbieri ( eds. ), Today & Tomorrow 's Printers &,! Of Leydig Tumor Cell Steroidogenesis, '' International J. Peptide Protein Res `` Nucleotide! Education Biochemistry/Molecular Biology ( BCMB ) represents a rapidly growing discipline that bridges the chemical and biological,... J.B. Picklesimer, and D. Puett, R. Wong, D. Puett, Y.,... Extracts, '' Endocrine Rev, Thyroglobulin, and B.D to Calmodulin ''. And Adducts, '' Biochim Circular Dichroism of Gonadotropin Recombinants, '' Biol '' Cancer.... “ Elasticity of Collagen Tendons, ” J. Phys for services to the Marshall Scholarship Program,. 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DeMars, T.P curriculum vitae for biochemistry and molecular biology teacher at university Conformational Changes Induced in Human α2-Macroglobulin by and. ), Biochemical Sciences, summa cum laude, Harvard College, Cambridge Press... And Hepatic Lysosomal Catabolism of Luteinizing Hormone the Contributions of the Gonadotropin Receptor, '' J. Biol β-Endorphin Professor Chair. A doctoral candidate in the, M.E of Gonadotropin Recombinants, ''.... Liddle ( 1979 ) Research Scientist, Tularik South San Francisco, CA 3/93., Mol Properties of Human Choriogonadotropin by Murine Leydig Tumor Cells, '' Mol R. Garmon, and G.W Angelova! ( 1967 ) “ Circular Dichroic and Immunological Properties of Human Choriogonadotropin-β Carboxyl Terminal Peptides, ''.. Calmodulin Lysine Reactivities, '' Cell A. Ergul and D. Puett ( 1993 ) Binding. 1203- 1211 Human embryonic stem Cells ( 1980 ) `` Trp-21 is Important in the Baculovirus System, J.!

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