rubber lip pleco vs common pleco
These cookies do not store any personal information. We have a 20 g tank with 1x rubber lip pleco, 2 julii cory catfish, and a handful of cherry shrimp (several of which are currently berried/carrying eggs). It does depend on the fish, however, since some simply won’t eat algae. These dedicated, suckermouth catfish have long been a staple in the aquarium trade. That’s 30.25 x 12.5 inches of bottom footprint for a single specimen. Generally speaking, Common Plecos are one of the larger types of plecos out there. 7 Types of Rasboras (A Handy Guide to These Fish). Jun 7, 2020 - Feeding and breeding of common plecos bristlenose vs rubberlip pleco 328751 rubber lip pleco lifespan . Rubber lip pleco 101 care max size t and more rubber lip pleco care guide t breeding more l445 spotted rubber pleco chaetostoma sp aqua imports online rubber lip pleco you. There’s one problem with the species: a close relative is often sold as the same fish. Sep 12, 2003 #5. Im actually going to get a 55 gallon tank today as an upgrade to my 20. This type of pleco is very low-maintenance and a lot of fun to care for. milesi . 10G (Reef) - Orchid Dottyback Yellow Watchman Goby Fireshrimp. We have a light on a timer from 7:30 am to 11 pm. They’re excellent algae cleaners. They’re good-natured, easy to maintain and get along with every other fish in the tank. Pitbull Pleco. While this fish has been common for a while now in the aquarium trade, the Rubbernose Pleco continues to be misidentified, often as C. thompsoni, a rare species that has likely never been exported. With its maximum body size of just over 4 inches, the Rubber Lipped pleco can be comfortably kept in a 20-gallon Long tank. Breeding. This doesn't mean that it is a suitable choice for an aquarist with a small aquarium - it still grows to be over 17 cm long (7 inches). The Clown Pleco is another of the dwarf Plecostomus out there. Bristlenose, rubber-lip, and clown plecos stay a much more manageable size: about 4-6 inches (10-15 cm). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In most cases, a female species has some along the edge of the mouth, but not quite as impressive as their male counterparts. They reach about 4 ½”, making them suitable for tanks of only 20 gallons. The Rubber Lip Pleco is another common Pleco in stores. Required fields are marked *. The Plecostomus is in millions of aquaria around the world. Large Common Pleco. Give them a shot if you’re looking for something a bit less exotic. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Rubber Lip Pleco Tank Mates. This makes them ideal for smaller and mid-sized aquariums, unlike the larger, unrelated Common Pleco (Hypostomus plecostomus), which may exceed 2-feet in length! Jeremy has twelve years of experience keeping freshwater and brackish aquaria. Large pleco for sale just out grown my tank now absolutely beautiful looking fish eats very well loves algae wafers flakes and anything really, very calm and chilled out for the size of him will be sad to see him go . Give us a call at (609) 971-7037 They’ll also eat some fallen flake, but it’s not a sure thing. By alishia655, 6 years ago on Tropical Fish. The Rubber nose pleco can reach a length of 13 cm (5.1 inches). Thread starter zaitchev; Start date Sep 17, 2012; click to view entries! Wild fish regularly die after capture and transport. We have gravel substrate, a couple of plants including one on bogwood, and a smooth rock. Make sure they have wood, most species require it, but Clown Plecos tend to rasp more than most. Rubber Lip Plecostomus at PetSmart. The Rubber Lipped pleco doesn’t grow as large as the Common pleco and can be a good choice if you want a smaller specimen that won’t outgrow your tank. I went to and couldn't find any reference to it. Rubber lipped Pleco, Bristlenose Pleco...I'd go with one of them (Both stay smaller and depend on tank size you could get a couple) MOD ... My Common Pleco used to beat up one of my Oscars to get to the food first Plecos can be evil little things . Hint: look for Pleco specialists; the Queen Arabesque is the L260 when L-numbers are involved. 8 Great & Easy To Take Care Of Fish For Beginners. How do they do for algae cleanup? I will definately have enough room to accomodate this new fish. By its name, it’s no surprise this is the most common pleco for fishkeepers. Whether it’s an exotic Zebra Pleco or a relatively plain Rubber Lip… they’re all excellent pets in the right sized tank. A Pleco freshwater algae eaters that are reasonably efficient will banquet on almost anything tossed before him. The Rubber lipped pleco is smaller than the species commonly sold under the name Common pleco and is therefore a good choice for the aquarist who wants a somewhat smaller pleco. Plecos are quite shy and need plenty of hiding places and caves to which they can retreat if feeling threatened or stressed. Read on! Unfortunately, the Common Pleco gets too big for most small to medium-sized tanks. This makes them ideal for smaller and mid-sized aquariums, unlike the larger, unrelated Common Pleco (Hypostomus plecostomus), which may exceed 2-feet in length! Other common names for this fish are the rubber lipped pleco and the rubbernose pleco. They’re also one of the most herbivorous of Pleco, preferring an almost entirely plant-based diet. These species are all in the Ancistrus genus, and they’re rarely differentiated. This pleco can be a very timid fish, when the lights are out it will turn into a very effective tank cleaner, eating all the algae that it comes across. Rubber lip plecos look like a normal pleco, and that is why it has been confused with common plecos a lot of times. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 5 - 14°N (89.29 - 250ppm) 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F. Bulldog pleco defends territory from 'common' pleco - Duration: 0:39. - Duration: 4:47. Your email address will not be published. 1 . thomsoni are bulldog pleco, rubbernose pleco, green rubber pleco, rubberlip pleco, and variations of those terms. Shop all fish goldfish, betta & more online Rubber Lip Plecos may damage plant leaves while rasping on them for algae, but they don’t eat the plants themselves. Large Common Pleco. Danxtepisode27. Rubber lipped pleco won't eat! The Chubby Rubber pleco, as established, will reach about 7 inches (17.7 cm), which is still not near enough a Common pleco. I will not get him until the tank is cycled btw. Species of Chaetostoma are collected from many freshwater mountain streams and tributaries of the Rio Magdalena river system in Colombia, South America, on the … In there i have a rubber lipped pleco that doesnt really eat too much algae. A Rubber Lip pleco won’t outgrow 4.2 inches (10.6 cm). Minimum Tank Size: 80 gallons … In there i have a rubber lipped pleco that doesnt really eat too much algae. Members of the family Loricariidae are commonly referred to as loricariids, suckermouth armoured catfishes, armoured catfish. any input would be appreciated. This happens more often during feeding time and shouldn’t be much of an issue. If you want a “hard working” fish, the Rubber Lip Pleco might be a good choice. Looking for a smaller algae-eating solution? It was not a baby but not full grown yet - probably about 3" long. 4:47. Common name: Rubber pleco. Like most plecos, the rubber lip pleco will like to hide in the shade and caves. Pleco Id Request: Common Or Rubberlip? They’re also not big on cleaning your tank, but they’re exciting to look at, and captive-bred populations may be all that’s left. That’s 30.25 x 12.5 inches of bottom footprint for a single specimen. Dan Hiteshew 1,242 views. They’re also one of the most herbivorous of Pleco, preferring an almost entirely plant-based diet. A Rubber Lip Pleco can clean a whole 30-gallon fish tank from algae by itself. You can distinguish them by the markings on their head: Rubber Lip Plecos have spots, while Rubber Plecos have stripes on their head. The downside to choosing these smaller suckermouth catfish is the tradeoff in price: while smaller, they cost more than common plecos. Jun 7, 2020 - Feeding and breeding of common plecos bristlenose vs rubberlip pleco 328751 rubber lip pleco lifespan. Plecos need quite a bit of food, especially when they’re growing. On average, plecos live around 10-15 years. tank he was checking everything out and all the good hiding places. Which one of them seems like the right fish for you? The rubber lip pleco is typically non-aggressive and peaceful with other species in the tank. Sexing them is difficult, but the males develop some growths near their fins, and they have larger barbels than the females. The Rubber Lip Pleco is a great choice for aquarists of all experience levels. S. Scorpio New Fish . The Zebra Pleco, or at least the L046 and L098 species, are close to the opposite of what most people expect from a Pleco. The Rubber Lip Pleco is another common Pleco in stores. The Rubber Lip Pleco is a great choice for aquarists of all experience levels. These fish eat a lot of aquarium algae and will spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank (no surprise there). The common pleco gets very large i would stick with a type of pleco that doesn't get as big i have an albino bristle nose.. Sourcing some of the more exotic small Plecos can be difficult for people new to the hobby. Simple enough to confuse the L187 and L187b as you will find just little versions in the shade and recognizing them. Im actually going to get a 55 gallon tank today as an upgrade to my 20. Bristlenose Pleco And Betta. All it does is sit inside the scull all day, and sometimes moves to the bubbler and ***** on it. You'll also need to transfer your goldfish to a tank that's at least 2 feet long if they're not already in one since plecos can grow quickly. The tank is planted with java moss, baby dwarf tears, and crystalwort, has a heater set to ~76-78 F, and is vigorously aerated with a pump and airstone. Rubber lip pleco 101 care max size t and more rubber lip pleco care guide t breeding more rubber lip pleco care t lifespan tank size and more www aquariumfashion com rubber lipped pleco size t tank mateore. The Rubber Lipped pleco is a bottom-dwelling fish that’s a member of the Chaetostoma genus, which is part of the largest catfish family of suckermouth armored catfishes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. should it be ok with a common pleco? Sep 12, 2003 #5. Bristlenoses are also easy to find in most pet shops. 8 years ago. The Rubber Lipped Pleco is very active when it forages for food and so needs more vertical swimming space. Rubber-lipped plecos are fairly peaceful algae-eating fish, so generally they will not bother your goldfish. The Bristlenose’s bristles form on the mouth. Its scientific name is Chaetostoma sp. In most species of Bristlenose, the males will have them over their mouth and sometimes by their dorsal fins. The Pitbull Plecos are probably the smallest plecos in this category: they only grow to 3 inches big. On average, males and females grow to be 12-24 inches long. It’s known for its cleaning capabilities. They have a wide mouth and some snouts, and their eyes are quite elevated near the top of their head. The Rubber Lipped Pleco is very active when it forages for food and so needs more vertical swimming space. They reach about 4 ½”, making them suitable for tanks of only 20 gallons. Sailfin Pleco. Bristlenose catfish average between 3 and 5 inches in length at maturity, and rarely grow longer than 6-inches. I was a little lost myself thinking the name, "rubber lipped" was just a different name for a pleco known as something else, but appears this best fits the species you are asking about. Rubber Lipped Pleco Lifespan January 5, 2021 masuzi Rubber lip pleco 101 care max size t and more rubber lip pleco care guide t breeding more rubber lip pleco care t lifespan tank size and more www aquariumfashion com rubber lipped pleco size t tank mateore Also known as L187b, some common names for C. cf. That assumes, of course, that you provide the proper tank size and quality water conditions. Bristlenose plecos are the standard pleco that people tend to buy. Its scientific name is Chaetostoma sp. Small Plecos are there for those who want them. Im wondering if i can get a common pleco to help out this little guy in keeping the algae under control in my new tank. With an approach similar to solving a biochemical puzzle, instead of simply keeping a tank, he’s developed the experience and skill required to make his fish and invertebrate thrive, instead of simply survive, within their artificial environment. 1,886 1.9K. Can't find what you're looking for? 3. Blood worms and brine shrimp are ideal for this but also add some peas or lettuce for grazing. In most tanks, you’ll also need to supplement with algae wafers. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. In the end, they’re worth the money. You might also see it listed (incorrectly) as L146 or (correctly) as L187b, a naming convention from the Aqualog fish magazines. Does the rubber lip pleco have another common name? This is another great choice that can be found in a lot of the big pet chains. I know that I don't want to get a common pleco because they get too big and make too much mess, but of these 2 options which do you think are better cleaners? Due to strict export regulations, the Rubber lipped pleco is virtually non-present in the international aquarium trade. They’re a welcome companion for most tanks, especially if they happen to have a taste for algae. Size: 15 inches (38 cm) Common Name: Sailfin Pleco. They’re also one of the most herbivorous of Pleco, preferring an almost entirely plant-based diet. The suckermouth you see on Pleco species is an adaptation to rapids, not necessarily an adaptation for sucking algae. £25 Brian S. 1 day ago . Their brilliant stripes and overall use in a tank make them a great pleco for 20-30 gallons tanks. Photography. LemonDiscus, Mar 6, 2009 #18. These rivers undergo a fair amount o… I bought Ruby from Petsmart a few weeks ago. The Queen Arabesque Pleco is a small sucker catfish with a marbled pattern. But, despite their small size, these can be a real workhorse for your fish tank, clearing off the algae so you don’t have to. Article from The Rubber Lip Pleco is another common Pleco in stores. These. Family: Loricariidae. Bristlenose catfish average between 3 and 5 inches in length at maturity, and rarely grow longer than 6-inches. To introduce a pleco to a goldfish tank, make sure you purchase a non-aggressive pleco species, like a rubber-lipped or longfin bristle nose pleco, so it doesn't attack your goldfish. These small Plecos take some extra work compared to most species, but their striking looks make it all worth it. In small tanks (20 gallons) they should reach about 5 inches at max, before being relocated to a larger one. Quality flake or catfish pellets will be relished along with live or frozen foods. This … They’re excellent algae cleaners. They can be a bit boisterous, and fine substrates will be stirred up on occasion. Rubber Lip Plecostomus Care - Photography Techniques. Were not sure if it's male or female, but we named it Ruby. An extremely timid pleco the rubber lipped sometimes seems to be mainly nocturnal. Clown Plecos are relatively common in local fish stores, so they’re not too hard to get your hands on. Make sure you have a tank of at least 55 gallons if you’re planning on keeping more than one. They’ll mostly leave algae alone, although they may remove it from driftwood while rasping. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. To introduce a pleco to a goldfish tank, make sure you purchase a non-aggressive pleco species, like a rubber-lipped or longfin bristle nose pleco, so it doesn't attack your goldfish. Types of plecos are more submissive than most eat the plants themselves cf... By itself and could n't find any reference to it t outgrow 4.2 inches ( 38 cm common. 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