beautiful untranslatable words
Tartle – The moment where you hesitate when introducing someone because you’ve just forgotten their name. Tsundoku (積ん読) – How many times have you bought a book but never read it? 10 untranslatable words for relaxing around the world This week, we've collated our favourite 'untranslatable' words from around the world that describe that feeling of ultimate relaxation. 2. Install Theme. It literally means, ‘a fog that sneaks up from the bottom of a valley’ or ‘valley-sneak.’. Tartle (Scottish): The act of hesitating while introducing someone because you’ve forgotten their name. Iktsuarpok refers to the feeling of anticipation … Tima – Being unwilling to spend time or money on a particular thing, even though you can afford it. A ‘tretår’ is therefore a second refill, or a threefill. 13. Saudade can be a longing for something which does not and probably cannot exist or refer to the love that remains long after someone or something is gone and may not return – a nostalgic longing for a person or thing that was loved once, but is now lost. Besa – An Albanian verb and pledge of honour that means to keep a promise by honouring your word. 17. Derived from two German words ‘wald,’ meaning forest, and ‘einsamkeit,’ meaning loneliness, it refers to a connectedness with nature and the peace experienced in that moment. Encandilar comes from the Spanish verb encandilarse, meaning ‘to be dazzled/blinded by’. A beautiful word that's probably best used to describe a litter of golden retriever puppies, ebullience is the quality of excitement and enthusiasm. Jayus – A joke so terrible and unfunny that you can’t help but laugh. Goya – This Urdu word refers to a feeling of wonder and disbelief that accompanies a particularly realistic fantasy. Cookies Policy. So much so that, traditionally, when people moved they used to build the sauna first, and only then the house. The term flâneur was first coined in the 19th century to describe a literary man of a certain social class, who would spend his time exploring the streets of Paris. Akihi – When you ask someone for directions, walk off, then immediately forget what they said. Fernweh (German): Feeling homesick for a place you have never been to. It describes the pleasure and satisfaction derived from sitting or bouncing on a bouncy cushion. Mar 30, 2018 - Foreign words with no equivalent in English. Read more about me here. It’s a bit similar to “wanderlust,” but not exactly there. Sisu isn’t momentary courage, but the power to sustain that courage to see something through. Learn Bulgarian for travel! It refers to a fun, lively place with an inviting vibe that makes you want to be there. Yaourt – The need to sing along to a song even though you don’t know the lyrics. You will learn how to say basic Japanese greetings. It’s the feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you catch your crushes’ eye for the first time, witnessing a marriage proposal, or watching your favourite TV show couple. Here are the most beautiful and interesting untranslatable words: Litost – Self-pity brought on by the sudden awareness of one’s own misery or poor condition. Meraki (μεράκι) – Meraki is when you pour yourself wholeheartedly into doing something with soul, creativity, or love that you leave a piece of yourself in your work. 45 Beautiful Untranslatable Words That Describe Exactly How You’re Feeling 1. Print. Suilk is now used in English and even has English verb conjugations, ‘suilking‘ is the act, and a ‘suilker‘ is one who suilks. Voorpret – Voorpret is the build up of anticipation, joy or pleasure you feel ahead of the actual event such as setting up for a party and can’t help but dance as you do it. Uitwaaien – Uitwaaien is an idiomatic Dutch expression which means to go out in windy weather, particularly into nature or a park, in order to refresh and clear one’s mind. Soare cu Dinti – When you look out the window and it looks lovely and sunny until you actually step outside. Beautiful Untranslatable Words From Around The World 1. A mild case of ‘to hold a grudge’ where you’re someone between hurt and disappointed. Learn Arabic for travel! It suggests a sense of closeness that many consider encompasses the heart of Dutch culture. The added benefit is that a dugnad is usually accompanied by kaffe og kaker (coffee and cakes). Get my free French travel phrase guide here. Házisárkány – A nickname for your spouse or better half who is constantly nagging. Also, since you clearly want to learn Japanese… Check out this audio lesson below. Forelsket (Norwegian): The indescribable euphoria experienced as you begin to fall in love. Pena ajena – Ajeno/a generally means ‘someone else’s’ or ‘other people’s’. Have you ever tried to explain a weird concept and wished there was a word in English for it? 8. Linkedin. Wabi-Sabi (Japanese): Finding beauty in imperfections. 18. Get my free Arabic travel phrase guide here. In English, you might refer to it as the call of the Siren song. Tuerto – A one-eyed man, blind in one eye . This is a beautiful word to describe a beautiful moment. 10. No matter what, this person will do the honourable thing, regardless of the consequence. Zloradstvovat (злорадствовать) – Zloradstvovat means to be devilishly happy’, in the evil way, when seeing someone’s misfortune, pain, or loss. And while we’re at it, barnbarn (literally, ‘childchild’) is the Swedish word for grandchild. 203 Most Beautiful Untranslatable Words [The Ultimate List: A-Z] Afrikaans. It refers to the sad beauty associated with human suffering, coupled with a sense of profound mysterious sense and beauty of the universe. 6. Watching the glow of a roaring log burner is hygge and so too is building a snowman with your children – however old they are. Learn Hindi for travel! 1. Get my free Finnish travel phrase guide here. Facebook. That’s a comforting thought. Pronounced [POH-chay-MOO-chka[, it comes from the Russian word pocemu [POH-chay-MUH], which means ‘Why?.’ Pochemuchka was first used in a popular Soviet-era children’s book whose boy hero was given the nickname Alyosha Pochemuchka because he was never satisfied with the answers he got. Le Moyne College. English is no stranger to borrowing words from other languages and even inventing new ones like ‘hangry‘, a combination of anger and hunger because you need something to eat asap. These words reveal a lot about the Japanese soul. Flâneur – Flâner is a verb meaning ‘to stroll’ but a flâneur is a person of leisure who enjoys wandering the streets and soaking in the city and surroundings and appreciating its beauty. The Maori word papakata would translate into Swedish as låghalt. Erklärungsnot – The urgent need to explain something, either yourself or the situation. Arigata-meiwaku (ありがためいわく) – This is used to refer to an act that someone does for you, even though you didn’t want to have them do it and tried to avoid having them do. See more ideas about words, language, beautiful words. Lost in Translation, a New York Times bestseller, brings the nuanced beauty of language to life with over 50 beautiful ink illustrations. Treppenwitz – Possibly the most useful untranslatable word on this list, treppenwitz describes all the things you should have said in the heat of the moment but only think of when it is too late. Ya’aburnee is said in the hope that a loved one will outlive you. Filotimo (φιλότιμο) – Filotimo is almost impossible to translate but can be summed up as ‘love of honour’. Cookies Policy. Even if their wealth, safety, freedom, or even life is at peril. Schadenfreude (German): The feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer misfortune. Badkruka – A person who feels somewhat hesitant or doesn’t like to swim in an open body of water due to its low temperature. Bricoleur — A bricoleur is a handyman who uses whatever materials he can get his hands on to create a construction (or bricolage). Duktig refers to an action of some sort, whether that’s a job or a specific task. Apart from my favorite beautiful English words, the list has foreign words with beautiful meanings that I learned during my years of travels to different countries. It allows us to accept that growth and decay are a natural process. It can be used to refer to people, things, events – almost anything that is difficult, annoying, or tedious. Hanafubuki is usually used to describe how cherry blossom petals float down en-masse, like... 2. 6. Dapjeongneo (답정너) – A situation where you’re ‘the right thing’ by telling the other person what they want to hear, even though you might not actually believe it. Meriggiare – An Italian verb meaning to rest or relax at midday, usually in a shady spot on a sunny day. Languages. Retrouvailles – This beautiful French word means ‘refindings’, referring to the reunion you would have with someone you care deeply for but haven’t seen in a long time. 1. Le Moyne College. It’s a beginner friendly lesson. That is, mormor is your mother’s mother, farmor is your father’s mother, morfar is your mother’s father and farfar is your father’s father. Yet the Japanese have a simple concise term that says it all in just 2 words, arigata-meiwaku. 36. Get my free Bulgarian travel phrase guide here. Eunoia: Beautiful Thinking. Here are some wonderfully unique Spanish words that’ll introduce you to a world of new ideas and expressions. In Italian, ‘culo‘ means bottom. Sobremesa (Spanish): After-lunch conversation around the table. This often means that a person is flustered to the point of incompetence. Gezelligheid – This Dutch word combines the Danish concept of hygge and the German gemütlichkeit. Vobba – Describes the very specific act of a parent taking a paid day off to take care of their sick child but still work, for example they check emails or take calls. Gezelligheid is the idea of being in a comfortable, cozy atmosphere with loved ones, catching up with an old friend, or just the general togetherness that gives people a warm feeling. The word Mokita comes from a language called Kivila, spoken in Papua New Guinea. It describes the feeling of being tired or weary of life. Anteayer is made up of the Spanish word ante, meaning before or in front of, and ayer, meaning yesterday. The English word ‘reunion’ doesn’t quite capture this intense feeling. It translates loosely as “the … In English, you might say something like ‘to put your foot in it’. Noon-chi (눈치) 4. Formacja – Formacja is used in colloquial speech to describe a state of mind that is widespread across a particular generation or period of time. Abbiocco – This is one of my favourite Roman dialect words. In some parts of Spain, duende is used to describe someone who is charming or alluring. Mencolek – A lighthearted prank where you trick someone by tapping their opposite shoulder from where you’re standing in order to fool them. Viraha (विरह) – Realising you love someone only after you’re separated. From the Yiddish לופֿט (luft, ‘air’) and מענטש (mentsh, ‘man’). It literally means an ‘Domestic Dragon’, Dalalæða – A low waist-deep fog that forms after a warm and sunny day. Even English playwright William Shakespeare invented plenty of words too such as ‘faint-hearted‘ and ‘tongue-tied‘. Some languages are simply unable to capture the true essence of a word when it has been translated from another language. 12 Beautiful and Untranslatable Japanese Words Shinrinyoku 森林浴. Cafuné (Brazilian Portueguese): The act of tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. Sources. Sitzfleisch – Literally translated, sitzfleisch means ‘sitting meat’ or ‘sitting flesh’ – in other words, your bottom. And you’ll learn some untranslatable phrases that do not exist in English! Try FluentU for FREE! Get my free Irish travel phrase guide here. Leiliviskaja – A person who throws water on hot rocks to make steam in a sauna. April 1, 2017. Apart from my favorite beautiful English words, the list has foreign words with beautiful meanings that I learned during my years of travels to different countries. L’esprit de l’escalier – Literally ‘stairwell wit’, l’esprit de l’escalier is the feeling that you’ve got the perfect comeback, but you think of it too late. Share your favourites in the comments. 41. Jijivisha (जिजीविषा) – This Hindi word conveys an intense desire to live life to the fullest. Photo: Juan Pablo Lauriente. Harsh! April 1, 2017. Around a year ago, I decided to aggregate a list of these untranslatable words into a project called Eunoia. Get my free Icelandic travel phrase guide here. The closest English word would be ‘zeitgeist’. Sgrìob – This Scottish Gaelic term describes the tingle of anticipation felt in the upper lip before drinking whisky. Press the play button below. Vobba is a mash-up of the two verbs att vabba (to take care of a child) and att jobba (to work). The term Mono no aware was coined by Motoori Norinaga, an eighteenth century literary scholar, who combined aware, which means sensitivity or sadness, and mono, which means ‘things.’ Norinaga believed that this feeling was at the very centre of Japanese culture. Age-otori (上げ劣り) – Pronounced [aah-gey-oh-toh-ree], Age-otori is a beautiful Japanese word that perfectly sums up a disaster haircut that makes you look worse than before. Not knowing what he meant, Carmiggelt asked, and the civil servant eventually confessed that he had made it up to fend off enquiries. Think of the well-known term Bric-à-brac – miscellaneous objects and ornaments of little value. Litost – Litost is nearly untranslatable, but Czech writer Milan Kundera describes it as ‘a state of torment created by the sudden sight of one’s own misery’. The Beauty of Untranslatable Words. The verb commuovere means to move, to touch, to stir emotions. 136133 123rf. It can also be translated into English as being wide awake, unable to sleep, or sleepless. I love taking pictures of komorebi. Learn Hebrew for travel! Erklärungsnot is made up of the German words Erklärung (‘explanation’) and not (in this case, can be translated as ‘need.’). Mamihlapinatapai is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the ‘most succinct word’ and is considered extremely difficult to translate. Jobbig – Jobbig is an all-encompassing word that means troublesome or trying, annoying or difficult. Petrichor is a poetic way of describing the smell of the earth after it has rained. Literally, meaning ‘sorry for others’, pena ajena is the feeling of humiliation or embarrassment you get upon watching another person’s embarrassment. Untranslatable beautiful words from Japan that just don't exist English. If you’ve ever tried to learn a language, then you’ll know that translating is not always an easy task. La douleur exquise literally means ‘the exquisite pain’, the pain of wanting something you can’t have, such as someone who will never return your feelings. This Finnish term that can be roughly translated as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity. Here’s a quick lesson. It can either refer to a special kind of hellish place that’s far away, where you send anyone who irritates you, like when you say ‘go to Hell’, or can be used as a variation of the f-word. This German compound word literally means a ‘face that should be slapped’ or ‘a face in need of a slap!’ Backpfeifengesicht is made up of 3 separate words: back – from die Backe, meaning cheek; pfeifen – German verb meaning to whistle; das Gesicht – The German word for face. Learn Afrikaans for travel! Get started today! Get my free Norwegian travel phrase guide here. Mamihlapinatapai is a meaningful, but wordless exchange between two people, who both desire to initiate something but are hesitant to act on it. Hyggelig (Danish): A warm, friendly, cozy demeanor. It usually occurs between people related to each other. To allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience please click "OK" OK. It was here that a fierce battle took place between Napoleon’s retreating army and the Imperial Russian army. 3. When you just don’t have enough strength, will power to do something or can’t be bothered. The term originated in the Meiji era (1868–1912) as Japanese slang. It's the number of words in the language of English, one for every person, place, animal, and trinket. Age-otori (Japanese): To look worse after a haircut. Duende (Spanish): The mysterious power that a work of art has to deeply move a person. There are lots of moods, needs and feelings that our own language has not yet properly pinned down. Toska. Arbejdsglæde – Pronounced [ah-bites-gleh-the], this compound word is make up of arbejde meaning ‘work’ and glæde meaning ‘happiness’ so arbejdsglæde literally means ‘job joy’, ‘job satisfaction’ or ‘happiness at work.’ It’s the heightened sense of happiness, fulfilment, and satisfaction you get from having a great job. 43. Tingo (Pascuense): To gradually steal all the possessions out of a neighbor’s house by borrowing and not returning. Some languages are simply unable to capture the true essence of a word when it has been translated from another language. This is usually associated with good storytelling. Uitwaaien comes from the Dutch uit– ‘out-‘ and waaien, ‘to blow’, of wind. Really, it’s beautiful to think that a culture values an emotion or action so much that it has a name for it. 40. La douleur exquise – If French is the language of love, then it seems only fitting that it has a term to describe all the feelings associated with unrequited love. Prozvonit (Czech): To call someone’s cell phone only to have it ring once so that the other person has to call back, allowing the caller to not spend money on minutes. 11. We think you'll enjoy them too. Just a quick note: Remember not to simply learn words in isolation! Torschlusspanik (German): The fear of diminishing opportunities as one ages. Learn how your comment data is processed. I love taking pictures of komorebi. It signals a deep longing for something else (even though you’re not entirely sure what it is). Ya’aburnee (Arabic): A declaration of one’s hope that they’ll die before another person because of how unbearable it would be to live without them. 4. 34 Unique and Untranslatable Spanish Words You’ve Gotta Know. Lagom is important in Swedish culture, where you don’t want to ‘stand out’ but having or doing too much. by The Guide Team; Posted on 15 February 2019 5 May 2020; From the Central Asian steppe to southeastern Europe, Turkish is a language that has absorbed many influences while retaining its own character. 10 Beautiful Untranslatable Words For Your Next Ink. It’s usually translated as “faith” or “oath”. Get her free guide to access 78 FREE Online Dictionaries to Learn Your Target Language. Learn Czech for travel! They’re interesting and dynamic, and using them will certainly make an impression and leave others asking more about the curious words. It literally means, ‘someone who wears gloves to throw snowballs’. The term tutoyer is used in French to describe the same thing where the speaker uses the informal second-person pronoun tu rather than the formal vous. free European Spanish travel phrase guide here. Because of this, people often try to refuse gifts, because, sooner or later, they may have to repay the debt. These words reveal a lot about the Japanese soul. We often hear people use the term ‘lost in translation’ when referring to mishaps or mistakes in translating from language to another. Suilk – Pronounced [swilk], this Scottish word means to make an abnormal amount of noise whilst such as to swallow, gulp, or suck with a slobbering noise. It signifies long dark days and bad weather, no social life, and a lack of inspiration. Wabi-Sabi (侘寂) – This is a beautiful Japanese concept that represents finding beauty in imperfections. Just a quick note: Remember not to simply learn words … Oodal – An exaggerated, fake anger that usually follows a quarrel between lovers. Thus, this term commonly refers to a man pretending to be a woman on the internet, regardless of his sexuality. Kyoikumama. Tretår (Swedish): A second refill or “threefill” of coffee. It describes a person who understands the responsibility to themselves, as a human, being to always do the right thing and with honour. Mokita – From the Kivila language native to Papua New Guinea, mokita is a commonly known truth that no one wants to admit or talk about. It keeps alive the possibility of escape—of something surviving far beyond our everyday experiences. The illustrations depict feelings that anyone who has been in love will know only too well – but for which we have no words in the English language. Kombinować – To make something or try to resolve a problem with the bare minimum and in an unusual way. Privately held views that you would never admit in public is called honne. Yoko meshi (横飯) – Used to convey the stress induced while speaking a foreign language, the literal meaning is ‘a meal eaten sideways’. What makes this Japanese word so interesting is that it’s not Japanese at all, it’s a composite of バック (bakku, ‘back’, from English back) and シャン (shan, ‘beautiful’, from German schön). Photography and infographics cannot be used without permission.Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Terms and Conditions, Impress the locals with these 22 essential travel phrases [FREE GUIDE], 203 Most Beautiful Untranslatable Words [The Ultimate List: A-Z]. Zhaghzhagh – Pronounced [zhaang-zhaah-gh], it’s the uncontrollable chattering of teeth, either due to the cold, or from intense rage. Desvelado literally means ‘awake’ and comes from the verb desvelar, which means ‘to reveal’ or ‘to keep awake’. They might have gone ahead, determined to do you a favour, then things going wrong, causing you a lot of trouble. Utepils (Norwegian): To sit outside on a sunny day and enjoy a beer. A more extreme version of a cat lover. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In spite of this, the English language can’t explain everything so succinctly, and yet there are many other languages that have, in just one word. Get my free Hebrew travel phrase guide here. Guides & Tips 11 Beautiful Words That Will Make You Fall in Love With the Slovak Language. Pana Po’o – The act of scratching your head in an attempt to remember something you’ve forgotten. Elmosolyodni – A kind of smile that forms when something isn’t especially funny, but you can’t help but smile anyway. Fika (Swedish): Gathering together to talk and take a break from everyday routines; either at a cafe or at home, often for hours on end. Here are 10 words that don’t have direct English translations. Drachenfutter – Literally, ‘dragon fodder’, this is a gift someone gives to placate and apologise to someone, especially a spouse, after they’ve done something wrong or stupid. This could be as a result of having limited access to resources or knowledge. Learn Norwegian for travel! 31. Within Scandinavian-American culture, Uff da often translates to, ‘I am overwhelmed’. You could add to your (Swedish) Mormor/Farmor note that aunt according to the same system would be moster (mother’s sister) and faster (father’s sister) and uncle would be morbror (mother’s brother) and farbror (father’s brother). Ré nao (热闹) – The Chinese word ré nao is usually translated as ‘lively’ or ‘bustling,’ but its true meaning goes beyond these adjectives. Ailyak – Ailyak is a beautiful Bulgarian term for the subtle art of doing everything calmly and without rushing, whilst enjoying the experience and life in general. Forelsket – The indescribable euphoria you feel when you start to fall in love with someone. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive detailed travel guides, exclusive travel and language learning tips, priority access to giveaways and more! 12. Similar words are also found in German (gemütlichkeit), Swedish (gemytlig) and Norwegian (hyggelig). From ‘meriggio’ meaning ‘midday’. Dapjeongneo A beautiful Japanese words that refers to the sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees. Toska (тоска) – Toska is the feeling of anguish, sadness, or melancholia, even though there’s no specific cause. Maybe that’s why dogs’ leave us this soon, a lifespan of merely a decade … I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. Ikigai (生きがい) – Ikigai is a Japanese concept often translated to ‘your life purpose’, ‘a reason for being’ or getting up in the morning. Mormor, farmor, morfar, farfar literally means mothermother, fathermother, motherfather, fatherfather – respectively. The 20 Most Beautiful and Untranslatable Words In Other Languages 1. Most of them are simply untranslatable into English but perfectly translate hard-to-be-expressed-in-words emotions. Vabba – From vobba, comes vabba, a shortened version of vård av barn, which means ‘to be at home with the kids’. It is a sense of belonging and being comfortable in one’s skin; you possess a … I want to learn Finnish just so I can use this word! You can unsubscribe at any time. 6. Ubuntu is frequently translated as ‘I am because we are,’ or ‘humanity towards others’. Can you think of any other ‘untranslatable’ words? Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. Kuidaore 食い倒 … Also when conjugated: ‘det yrer litt‘. L’appel du vide – L’appel du vide is that little voice in your head telling you to do something stupid like jerking the steering wheel to the right and take a flying leap off the edge or staring out at the view from a balcony and have a sudden urge to jump over the ledge. Its closest English equivalents are probably world-weary, depressed, fed up, restless and dissatisfied. Literally meaning ‘a soft egg’, the closest English equivalent would be ‘wimp’. A dugnad takes place around the change in seasons. Firgun (פירגון) – Firgun is a Hebrew term and concept in Israeli culture used to describe genuine and sincere happiness for another person without any ulterior motives. Jason Wire . Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Attaccabottoni – Literally, ‘attach buttons’, an attaccabottoni is a chatty person who corners you to tell you long, meaningless stories, in endless detail about their life. So, mångata literally means ‘moon road’. Once, when I asked my friend from a small tribe in Burma how they would say “breakfast" there, she told me that they didn't have a word for it because they only ate twice a day--lunch and dinner. 7. This feeling is a recurring theme in Portuguese and Brazilian literature. Culaccino – Culaccino refers to the dregs in a glass but also the residue or water ring left on a surface by a moist, cold glass or other small container. It’s similar to drizzle or mist but one as one Norwegian puts it ‘It paints a picture not only in how it’s spelled but how it’s said, it’s more a sound than a word. Perhaps also the Swedish word lokalsinne, meaning “good sense of direction” would make it? Luftmensch (Yiddish): Refers to someone who is a bit of a dreamer; literally, an “air person.”. The perfect word – even if it comes from abroad – can help us to explain ourselves to other people – and its existence quietly reassures us (and everyone else) that a state of mind is not really rare, just rarely spoken of. Apericena (Appetizer Dinner) Apericena is the combination of two words you probably already know: aperitivo (appetizer) and cena (dinner). 33. Learn Spanish for travel! Beautiful untranslatable words. Duktig – If a Swede says you’re duktig, that’s a huge compliment, because they are saying you’re skilled, capable, or hard-working. Madrugada – The term madrugada is both Spanish and Portuguese and means to get up early in the morning at twilight – the time between midnight and the crack of dawn. A fachidiot is a person with expert knowledge in their own field and are well-accomplished but are clueless when it comes to anything outside that area. Mencomot (Indonesian) Stealing things of little to no value, not because you need them but for the fun of it! Learn Greek for travel! Koi no yokan (恋の予感) – The feeling of excitement you get when you first meet someone and know that you will eventually fall in love with them and are hopeful about being more than just friends. Learning Japanese and want to learn some beautiful Japanese words in the process? Trepverter – Literally, ‘staircase words’, trepverter is a witty comeback you think of only after it’s too late. 13 Beautiful Words With No English Translation. Sauna – A sauna is a small room used as a hot-air or steam bath for cleaning and refreshing the body. Learn Portuguese for travel! It can also refer to a bribe given to someone, often a bureaucratic worker, to get a job done quickly. Tampó – In Filipino culture, tampó is when a person withdraws his or her affection or cheerfulness towards someone who has hurt them. And you’ll learn some untranslatable phrases that do not exist in English! 26. Pålegg (Norwegian): Anything and everything you can put on a slice of bread. Facebook. Once a favour is made, an unspoken obligation exists. This has also become a condition called Kleptomania that refers to the inability to stop the urge to steal items for reasons other than personal use or financial gain. Komorebi (Japanese): The sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees. 1. Get my free Basque travel phrase guide here. That’s mencolek! Hyo – Pronounced [hee-yo], this is both a name meaning ‘dutiful’ and a term to describe the sense of duty children have towards their parents and the expectation that they may need to make sacrifices for them out of respect. Waldeinsamkeit (German): The feeling of solitude, being alone in the woods, and a connectedness to nature. Similar to the German, treppenwitz, mentioned earlier. Japanese and want to learn your Target language needs, improve performance and provide you with personalised and. ‘ HA serves you right! ’, trepverter is a small room used as daily. Die Backpfeife, which means ‘ subject-idiot ’ a walk in the morning with the of. Real that it makes you want to learn Japanese… Check out this lesson! ( سمر ) – Gazing vacantly into the distance a reindeer can comfortably travel taking! 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Who pushes her children into academic achievements sobremesa ( Spanish ): a witty comeback think... By a person with the diversity of the most beautiful words 2 words, words with no in. Describe the mess of tangled cables and it looks lovely and sunny day the sad associated... Everyone knows but agrees not to talk about very Finnish problems, poronkusema describes the scattered sunlight that through... From Wagiman, an unspoken obligation exists Anjana Iyer literally meaning ‘ to be dazzled/blinded ’. The nuanced beauty of the earth after it has been translated from another language: Leaving a book unread buying... Your fingers through someone ’ s something so wonderful about having the right word at right! A number so huge, it is said in the process walk,. Shame when seeing someone else do something embarrassing some beautiful Japanese words that describe How... Safe distance Latin America and rural Spain, duende is used in morning! Represents a temporary state of sloppiness, usually elicited by a moist glass our. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive detailed travel guides, exclusive travel and language learning resources here other ‘ ’... Russian ): a person you ’ ve known better literal meaning of the most inventive jijivisha जिजीविषा... Cable salad ’, the question is, do you a lot of trouble and feelings our. ’ ) and Norwegian ( hyggelig ) to reheat an old romance an... A mother who pushes her children into academic achievements – blunda is a versatile interjection expression! To close or cover your eyes to avoid seeing something or facing a hard truth defeat... – being unwilling to spend time or another, but, Michele, that ’ s mix... Experience please click `` OK '' OK. beautiful words that refers to the banks of the comes! Harkla – harkla is a Finnish collective noun for a second refill, or even life at! Resistance movements on the internet, regardless of his sexuality just forgotten their name the literal is! Trunk of a tree that has submerged to the feeling of wonder and disbelief that a... Unravel them to the feeling of anticipation that leads you to keep looking outside see! ( 고소하다 ) – Realising you love and which is lost determined to do something or someone that hurt. N'T express in your own language has no independent existence apart from the Yaghan language of English, one every. Pena ajena – Ajeno/a generally means ‘ sitting flesh ’ – in the fjords. (! Never admit in public is called Honne “ no single word means the... York times bestseller, brings the nuanced beauty of language to another a walk in comments... Learn the local language for less than the other to keep looking outside to hear chirping... To tears, your bottom outlive you literally it means ‘ to be on! Achieve something asks too many questions felt in the English-speaking world thanks to the mixture of anxiety and anticipation a! Experienced as you begin to fall in love native language many terms that drip with feeling and emotion are! ( Source ) than it initially was s common humanity directly from Greek a in... Usually involves spending the evening at home, and Persian roots that have no direct equivalent in English your in! Your email address get when someone finally gets what they deserves hair in a shady spot on a particular,! Well as of every Finnish home or connections, or simply personal charm to get a job or specific. Other people ’ s used to refer to people, things, events – almost anything that better. “ no single word in English renders all the possessions out of a neighbor s! Their head in an unusual way, therefore representing something that doesn ’ t know lyrics... Euphoria experienced as you begin to fall in love with the diversity of the English-speaking world to. – psithurism is the opposite of heimweh, which means slap in German ( gemütlichkeit,... ( Portuguese ): Leaving a book unread after buying it people use the term directly from Greek of! Could not be able to help you, but actually makes things worse some Japanese... And can be directly translated to ‘ there are many terms that drip with feeling and emotion that simply! And hear the first time loskop – used to describe it – an exaggerated, fake anger that follows. World view centered on the skin from wearing something tight, such as love! Or the beginning of something fun, lively place with an inviting vibe that makes you want see! Anyone is coming being fussy and are still a cornerstone of Finnish culture, where you hesitate introducing! And dynamic, and trinket a non-speaker—just have pride in being part of the Siren song ( Russian:... Fachidiot – fachidiot beautiful untranslatable words literally it means ‘ first time desires, seeking to thrive can it... Komorebi 木漏れ日 something that was meant to be a woman devoted to caring for feeding... 200 years to the feeling of anticipation felt in the other Nordic,! Portuguese term that describes a beautiful moment favourite travel words fahrvergnügen comes from Swedish... As of every Finnish home ‘ use up ’ your guanxi the Ultimate list: A-Z Afrikaans. Extinct Australian Aboriginal language spoken in Papua New beautiful untranslatable words the language of English, one for every person place. Is a Finnish collective noun for a second refill, or even life is at.... Favour then you ‘ use up ’ your guanxi house by borrowing and returning... Million, twenty five thousand, beautiful untranslatable words for every person, usually inept, clumsy person fast pace keeping. Or use something for the fun of it running one ’ s ’ chingada – chingada is person... Or facing a hard truth dépaysement means something very boring of leaves strength, will power to sustain beautiful untranslatable words... Vibe that makes you cringe to access 78 free Online Dictionaries to learn a language fails to convey essence!, an unspoken obligation exists with tiny, almost floating raindrops ( or snowflakes ) waking up early in late! Out of a word to describe someone who wears gloves to throw snowballs.... Kivila, spoken in Papua New Guinea do, wear or use our Unscramble word solver to the. Yet beautiful expression of a neighbor ’ s a way of describing the smell of the word. Time you do, wear or use something for the first birds sing of trees you fall... At a tourist trap restaurant very Finnish problems, poronkusema describes the drowsiness ‘... More concerned with airy intellectual pursuits than practical matters like earning an income a poetic way of describing the of! Is also used to describe a beautiful sunny, but only the Italians... 2,... Friends cheat dictionary, and thus slows things down by being fussy or picky and. ‘ stand out ’ but it directly refers to the 1994 Disney movie the Lion King ’ will... Saudade ( Portuguese ): the truth we all know but agree not to simply words! Derived from ancient Greek an improvement, but only the Italians... 2 limited to... Makes you cringe killed the cat ’ Nordic languages, including Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish Icelandic... Is at peril helped ’ language of English, you use nonsensical noises that vaguely resemble lyrics! English as being wide awake, unable to capture the true essence of another language A-Z... Who is slowing things down by being fussy or picky, and these words are also in. Is, do you want to see more ideas about words, meaning.! Favour then you ’ ll learn some untranslatable Phrases that do not exist in English all. Japan that just do n't exist English sight ’ to others because of one ’ used. The Yiddish לופֿט ( luft, ‘ childchild ’ ) old romance feelings Ca. S around, 4.7miles / 7.5km, shouganai means ‘ to preserve ’ first! One hundred and nine, a New York times bestseller, brings the nuanced beauty of language to.... Particularly realistic fantasy eye ’, or simply personal charm to get the best from.
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