stronghold 2: steam edition review

Spurning the trend of HD remakes painfully shows its age with graphics, audio and UX, showing stark contrast to modern expectations after a decade of gaming evolution. Popping down chunky walls and multi-stage defensive sectors as your fortress absorbed the natural resources around itself and crept progressively further into the surrounding landscape felt organic and fun. However, Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader are probably the most beloved of the games dealing with the period. Stronghold 2: Steam Edition restores multiplayer. Entertain your subjects or rule with an iron fist, dispensing medieval justice to overworked and malnourished peasants. Economy and micromanagement games certainly weren’t a new thing back in the hazy year of 2005; the likes of Caesar, Settlers and even Beasts and Bumpkins had been blazing that trail for nearing a decade prior. Stronghold 2: Steam Edition is available now on PC via Steam. Units are hired from your constantly refilling pool of idle peasants (that is, if you have any) and more often than not need gold, honor and weapons from your armory to take to the field. And when put on castle walls or, God forbid, towers, they'll defend you as well as an MG company holding off an assault of Prussian landwehr on their trench. The Stronghold review covers "the original castle sim" and its sequel Stronghold Crusader. Childhood memories. Imma play some stronghold crusader 1 right now. However, unit AI is terrible enough that if you order a ranged unit to attack someone outside their range, they won't do anything. And since the game didn't receive any visual overhaul, it looks really bad, too. Alongside the economic systems is the management of your peasantry. You have the ability to administer punishments as you see fit, be they stocks and shame masks to encourage your citizenry to carry on working for fear of social pressure, or going full on despot and burning them at the stake or whacking their heads off. This theme stretches throughout the game, adding barriers and blockades to what is otherwise a great simulation and strategy game. Turns out I needed to place an ox tether next to my stone mine to transport the mined resources. The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II. Stronghold Crusader 2 Review Home is where the siege weapons are. Ah, the humble real-time strategy soldier. Neither the economy, nor warfare, not even the basics of feudalism are ever depicted correctly. The same unit barks on repeat, the frustrating advisor voice berating you each time you misclick when building and the unforgettable peasant reactions to ration changes: ‘More rations? The castle building — arguably the core selling point of the game — was intricate and satisfying to slowly grow and expand. Steam says running, syncing but the game never loads #9. Stronghold 2. Go to Steam folder, navigate to Stronghold 2 installation folder, go to resources and there install both directX and redist. You have even more traps to set for the enemy soldiers. Combat was never the strong suit of Stronghold, and it hasn't improved since. Created exclusively for Steam, Stronghold 2: Steam Edition comes with Steam multiplayer support, achievements, a new map pack, digital art book, soundtrack and trading cards. Entertain your subjects or rule with an iron fist, dispensing medieval justice to overworked and malnourished peasants. Stronghold Crusader 2 is the long awaited sequel to the original castle sim. The Steam Edition also updates Stronghold 2 with full Steam Workshop integration, allowing to you easily create and share custom maps with friends. The mercenaries exist in S2SE, too, but two units are just naked, horn-helmet wearing vikings. Brendan Caldwell • 3 years ago • 6 A new edition of Stronghold 2 [official site] is coming to Steam with some fresh textures, a nicer interface and, most importantly, fully restored multiplayer – a feature that has been missing since GameSpy Arcade collapsed and died in 2013, rendering matchmaking impossible. Thank the lord for Stronghold 2. Stronghold had always had strange voice acting, but now the unit barks are unforgivably bad, to the point where my girlfriend was complaining about it while I was playing. [CDATA[ (function(){var g=this,h=function(b,d){var a=b.split(". Medieval II: Total War Medieval II is the latest and greatest game to be released in the best selling and award-winning Total War series. If you make a purchase through this we may earn some money. Then Stronghold 2 burst through the castle gates of the societal management genre with promises of bigger fortresses, economies spanning multiple settlements and refined combat that actually felt like an enjoyable part of the game, rather than the frustrating distraction of the previous title. Stronghold 2: Steam Edition reboots the 2005 strategy game's multiplayer servers By Samuel Horti October 07, 2017 Revamped graphics and six new maps. You need a gong pit and peasant to collect poop and a falconer to hunt down rats. Compared to more modern titles, Stronghold 2 continually surprised me by showing just how ahead of its time it was. However, Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader are probably the most beloved of the games dealing with the period. Naked vikings are as susceptible to arrows as catapults are to clipping. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands — The Good & the Bad, Ikenfell — Remembering the past to improve our future. And there are neat stuff like protected towers which allow your archers to arch with impunity while preventing siege engine placement on top and sally ports which are hidden doors that would allow you to sally out against the enemy... if you ever had the need. Probably the most amusing fight in the game. Stronghold 3 Gold Edition - PC ... that Stronghold 3 is a good game because after I received this game I found out that I had to enter a security code on steam witch I didn't learn until just recently that Steam no longer supports Windows Vista. After 12 years Stronghold returns to the desert with a new 3D engine and powerful Havok Physics. Not only did the developers not learn from previous criticism, they actually found new ways to make the game bad. And the justice system is an entire economy on itself, where, in the end, you need to decide between punishments that take a long time to carry out, but are more lenient (stockade, shame mask) and ones that are quick, yet brutal (burning, cutting heads off). And while you can passively get more honor by being generous towards the peasantry, you will want at the very least to have the lord's kitchen preparing food for feasts – just set up the building chains and the rest will be sorted automatically. Stronghold Crusader 2 is the long awaited sequel to Stronghold: Crusader, the original 'castle sim'.After 12 years Stronghold returns to the deserts of the Middle East circa 1189, with a new 3D engine and realistic castle destruction powered by Havok Physics.Crusader 2 will recapture the original game’s addictive, fast-paced gameplay and authentic castle simulation. Stronghold 2 is a true game. And this is basically the only violent action that you'll carry out efficiently. These systems add additional flair to the game overall and provide you with other plates to keep spinning as you fend off bandits and ensure your bread is still being produced. The same unit barks on repeat, the frustrating advisor voice berating you each time you misclick when building and the unforgettable peasant reactions to ration changes: ‘More rations? The Steam Edition also updates Stronghold 2 with full Steam Workshop integration, allowing to you easily create and share custom maps with friends. Oh, and you can build balistae on the bigger towers which not only outrange catapults, but are also really good at killing them. It is strange to remember that Firefly Studios’ Stronghold 2 came out over twelve years ago, with concepts, mechanics and gameplay that promised to exceed the already high bar set by its predecessor. 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With powerful barons jostling for power over a disintegrating kingdom, it is up to you to stem the tides of ambition and unite the land under … The trail of conquest, merely an ever more difficult chain of skirmish battles, was something that everyone loved, and it's entirely missing from the game. Neither the economy, nor warfare, not even the basics of feudalism are ever depicted correctly. Stronghold 2. I was surprised. Stronghold 2 Steam Edition is only very arguably an improvement over the previous game in the series and hardly something you should be playing today. This causes no end of commotion with the castle economy and since executions are the only way to get industries back to work at appreciably time scale, you might end up chopping heads. Rating: 9. And while talking about the visuals of a 2005 game is largely useless – this isn't an HD re-release – I will note that audio design is terrible. Only verified and trusted … They are expended to buy titles (raise technology level) in skirmish, buy lands to have autonomous villages to feed your resources, and hire troops more advanced than armed peasants and spearmen. Stronghold 2 comes back to life with Stronghold 2: Steam Edition developed by FireFly! Gordon Ramsay: Chef Blast — What is Ramsay doing in video games? They are opposed by various conniving lords who enjoy the freedom to run amok. There are many 'games' out there, but not many.. true games. After that, you are free to expand as much as the scenario allows. It's a great period for the Stronghold series to return to. Big Boss Battle (B3) - Gaming News, Reviews & Opinions. All Discussions ... All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Now, Stronghold Crusader is still clearly the best game in the series. Phoenix Point Preview — Peeling Back the Mist to Save the…. Medieval II: Total War might be grander, but Stronghold takes you closer to your peasants. R.I.P. Stronghold 2 always had strange voice acting before, but both it and the general audio design is painful to a modern gamer’s expectations. Stronghold 2 always had strange voice acting before, but both it and the general audio design is painful to a modern gamer’s expectations. I’m not sure if I’ve just become more sensitive to game user experience as a whole since my career path has flung itself in that direction, but Stronghold 2 chucks the laws of UX out of the closest murder hole, crosses its arms and scorns the player whilst they scrabble to decode what the game is trying to communicate at any one time. Build lumberjack huts to get wood for buildings and weapons, place quarries on rock piles to get stone for defensive structures, and so on. Honor points are generated via various lordly events and peasant-pleasing activities (like increased rations). ("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var c=0;a=d[c];++c){var e=a.getAttribute("pagespeed_url_hash");e&&(! Nov 2, 2017 @ 3:06am Ok, I have found a solution. The setting was better done, in both visual and design sense, with mercenary units providing a stark Arabian contrast to the European forces of the crusaders. The keep is the center of you castle; here is where your lord resides (lose him and lose the game) and holds feasts, while idle peasants lounge around the fire outside. Big Boss Battle (B3) - Gaming News, Reviews & Opinions, Stronghold 2 Steam Edition — Fire, faeces and rats, Explore Humble Bundle with our Affiliate Link. There are a lot of small fixes that could have facilitated the game’s re-emergence into the current decade and made it more palatable to anyone used to modern gaming conventions. With powerful barons jostling for power over a disintegrating kingdom, it is up to you to stem the tides of ambition and unite the land under … Stronghold 2: Steam Edition allows players to experience true ‘castle life’ gameplay. Compare the CD Key price from supplier s all around the world. Outside of scratching that nostalgia itch, I wouldn't recommend it over Stronghold Crusader HD. Blurry textures and janky models were a sharp reminder of the decade past, but perfectly acceptable with a bit of getting used to. In fact, S2SE's trail of conquest is just a chain of battles from historical scenarios, only you don't get to choose the sequence or whether you're attacking or defending. ]. The castle-sim and siege-warfare RTS sequel Stronghold 2 at last brings the series to life in full 3D. Created exclusively for Steam, Stronghold 2: Steam Edition comes with Steam multiplayer support, achievements, a new map pack, digital art book, soundtrack and trading cards. 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The system of transporting goods is entirely missed out; despite having four stone mines chipping away at the surrounding hills, my available stone wasn’t going up. Disclaimer: Sometimes our links will lead to online stores we are affiliated with. Stronghold 2: Steam Edition allows players to experience true ‘castle life’ gameplay. Entertain your subjects or rule with an iron fist, dispensing medieval justice to overworked and malnourished peasants. The historical scenarios were also better than those offered in S2SE. And in the end, your melee units act mostly as speed bumps to pin the enemy in place so that the archers would have more time to slaughter them. Stronghold 2 was not a HD remake — I knew this, and expected it — but it didn’t make the sudden realisation of just how long twelve years is in terms of gaming progression any easier. Activate CD Keys on your Steam client to download the games and play in multiplayer or singleplayer.. GAMIVO is a platform to find, compare and buy digital game keys. You will be missed... Who the fuck am i kidding. The game would be far more digestible audibly with a couple days’ worth of re-cast voice acting to bring it up to speed. 5 Free PC Horror Games You Can Play Right Now! Lovely!’. By Jeremy Signor on October 1, 2014 at 12:30PM PDT. But with a decade more gaming experience under my belt and experience of newer, bigger games, Stronghold 2 was way more complex than I expected. Create custom maps, play in new maps released exclusively for this edition, and engage in multiple game modes, all filled with action! You will also establish industries to churn out gear for your soldiers and keep your peasants happier. Yivo. If stockades and such were previously just props that increased oppression in your castle, now they are a part of the newly expanded 'sanitary' system. However, archers outrange catapults to the point of tragedy, and towers make them almost immune to their attacks anyway. It was with this re-release that I found myself faced with the worn, yet familiar, Firefly Studios’ splash screen from my childhood — followed by the opening music reminding me of homework, my brief Dr Pepper obsession and the sound of My Chemical Romance from my teenage sister’s room next door. 15 non-violent multiplayer games that aren’t…, 24 awesome gardening and farming games, for you to nurture, The Big Boss Battle Best 50 Board Games We’ve Ever…, 7 indie games featuring wild western elements, Introducing your friends to tabletop — Which games are best…, Video game crossover — Which tabletop games are best for…, 5 announced, in development games where you can play as a…, How to Set up the Steam Link App to Work over the Internet. An aspiring game developer who spends more on his Steam library than monthly food budget, and attempts to put strings of words together into articles and stories. However, you still have to keep an eye on the peasantry. Discover the best Game Key offers, compare prices to download and play Stronghold 2 - Steam Edition at the best cost. If you think that a siege can be anything other than a complete mess…. Ancestors Legacy: Core Concepts & Faction Guide, Op-Ed: There's Something Wrong With RTS Games, Strategy Gamer is moving house - come with us [Timings Update - 24 Hour Notice! Disclaimer: Sometimes our links will lead to online stores we are affiliated with. ... Latest Videos Articles Gameplay Trailers Reviews … They are trained instantly and individually, don't require leaders of any kind, pretend to take up formation (before clipping through each other in combat), fight fearlessly and die easily. You could have tooltips on buildings with hints on what production chain each is involved in: What resources does it need to work? Don't neglect the peasants, either: starting with the hunter's hut, you'll try to keep them all fed with a variety of foods, possibly even increasing their rations. This shot makes the game look so… functional. I went in with these rose-tinted goggles firmly in place, the knowledge that this game was released before my nephew was born etched into my expectations as I started the campaign. What does it produce and which building uses it? Want to feed any excess pork to your peasants? The biggest issue for me, however, was Stronghold 2′s UI and UX. I remembered a decently fun castle-building game with some elements of ensuring grain from farms was milled into flour and baked into bread. Stronghold 2 Steam Edition is a weak entry in the series. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The economy system was expanded in a way that only adds boring busywork to the game, while the combat was weakened even more that it was. Install Steam login | language Store Page. Overall, Stronghold 2 is a fun game which was mechanically ahead of its time twelve years ago, yet still holds its own against more modern titles. The light baked-goods simulation of yore was actually defined by multiple regions and settlements, their supply chains interwoven into a tapestry of oxen transports, production lines and dedicated poop collectors. Those facial textures will make you fondly remember Deus Ex. Stronghold 2 isnt quite as good as stronghold 1, but is still actaully a pretty good game, the graphics are good and I really enjoyed the Stronghold 2 isnt You can now launch burning logs and stones from positions on your walls. Just like the first Stronghold, the game offers a campaign in addition to other game modes. Your email address will not be published. If you make a purchase through this we may earn some money. Similarly to Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition, the Steam Edition of FireFly Studios' Stronghold 2 includes integration with Steam's services like Steamworks for multiplayer, Steam Workshop for modifications, achievements, trading cards, an exclusive map pack, new textures, proper high resolution and widescreen support, a digital art book, and the soundtrack. Wind the clock forwards a decade and Firefly Studios has re-released the genre-defining Stronghold 2 on Steam, with all the modern features including facilitated multiplayer, workshop community map support and achievements for killing ten thousand rats. This also makes moving units in mixed groups a bad idea because a ranged units will only join the attack if the enemy is already in range. For Stronghold 2 on the PC, GameFAQs has 4 reviews. Stronghold is a base building game at heart, with battle being a capricious beast at the best of times. 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