st croix sheep meat
When St. Croix are crossed with a heavier, faster growing breed of sheep, the offspring generally take on the market characteristics of the other breed but maintain the excellent maternal traits and a good … We both work off the farm; therefore time is a commodity in short supply. St. Croix are a hair sheep, raised for tender, mild flavored meat. They also have an active but easily managed personality. They are typically raised for meat, which is marketable at top dollar for its widely-acclaimed fine texture and mild flavor. The St. Croix are used to train working dogs and are used in sheep dog trials. The result is a meat sheep cross that does well in hot, humid condition. Read some more information about this breed below. BREEDING RAMS. A whole lamb will yield 40-55 lbs of meat and sell for $5.75/lb. Also Known As: Virgin Island White, White Virgin Islander, White Virgin Island The Virgin Island White breed is found in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. Lambing rate varies from 150 - 200% with two lambings a year not uncommon. Publications. Ads for other sheep breeds are not allowed. Therefore, they produce a lean meat without the tallow taste associated with lanolin wool sheep. ST. CROIX. They are being used in production and cross breeding studies in Utah, as well as California, Florida, North … St. Croix sheep are easily managed and are often referred to as "easy keepers". They are known for their high fertility and ewes often produce twins and have plenty of milk to raise them. We have introduced Dorper into our St. Croix herd in hopes to add a little more meat on our St. Croix but we are still experimenting trying to make the “perfect sheep”. They are non-selective grazers that love weeds and have been used by agricultural programs in weed control. They also have an active but easily managed personality. We regularly offer St. Croix rams for sale, and annually have St. Croix ewes available. Larger flocks focused on meat production have also begun to look at using St. Croix-influenced ewes and rams in their breeding flocks. Photo courtesy of: Susan Schoenian . Although some animals can also be black, brown, solid tan or white with brown or black spots. Special Notes. will be allowed. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Well... lambing season came early this year and we welcome four new lambs to the fold. They can survive in cold temperatures, and are well adapted to the hot humid climate of the tropics. I'm especially interested in St. Croix sheep because that's what I have, but welcome advice from anyone with similar breeds. It is raised mainly for meat production. There is a new director and two new butchers waiting for reopening. The St. Croix sheep are a very hardy breed of domestic sheep. People who normally don't care for lamb can't believe that is what they are eating when they taste St. Croix. Our 100% grass-fed lamb is from our flock of St. Croix sheep. SCHSB is a registry & resource for purebred St. Croix Hair Sheep. Depending on whether cow, goats, sheep or pigs are being processed, Nelson said around 20 animals can be slaughtered a day when the facility is fully functional. Classified ads may be posted by SCHSIA members only. The St Croix sheep have minimal feeding requirements which make them ideal for small farming and production of grass fed meat. Image via Shutterstock. They have a long compact body with long legs. The breed is small, with ewes averaging 120 pounds and rams 165 pounds. They are raised primarily for meat and have a docile temperament. For example, we consider time spent worming, shearing, docking and trimming hooves as merely maintaining an operation.If this same time is spent building homestead fencing, water systems, improving lambing or handling facilities, it’s improving an operation. Ag Commissioner Positive Nelson hopes to get the doors of the St. Croix abattoir open later this month. There are many different breeds of sheep. While at Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon this past week. Our St Croix are virtually CAREFREE, and they are wonderfully G ENTLE and F RIENDLY. Panter. Ive been doing some research and have narrowed the breeds down to Katahdin, Dorper, or St. Croix. SCHSB is a registry & resource for purebred St. Croix Hair Sheep. And they are also fly strike resistant due to their shedding ability. We currently maintain two separate flocks, carrying two distinctly different bloodlines. Smaller size does not require as much space or as much food and easier to handle. Their coat sheds water. St. Croix ewe's lambs show high fertility at 6-7 months of age. Mature rams weight around 90 kg, and average live body weight of the mature ewes is around 68 kg. The St. Croix sheep breed has a good taste that does not have the flavor from the lanolin that is produced by wool sheep. Ads for other sheep breeds are not allowed. I have 3 St. Croix and am new to sheep, having raised poultry for some years, but never a ruminant, except a few months years ago when I babysat some goats. St. Croix sheep possess many traits that are highly desirable to the modern sheep industry. Medium sized, fine textured and alert at the sides of their head. In 1975 Utah State University imported a small flock of Virgin Island White which is the basis for the present St. Croix breed in North America. St. Croix has been used as the foundation stock for multiple other breeds, including Katahdin and Royal White. This means the female only cycles and accepts the male during times of shortening day length. They are often also called Virgin Island White because those that were imported into North America were selected for white coloration. People who love lamb, rave that St. Croix is among the best they have ever eaten. St. Croix sheep are a hardy breed that is known for being parasite resistant and naturally polled. We will likely be able to meet your needs, even if you have purchased stock from us before. Ewes are excellent mothers and require minimal assistance. Their toes will grow long sometimes but most of the time they break off on their own. St. Croix Hair Sheep Breeders, Inc. 382 likes. Ag Commissioner Positive Nelson hopes to get the doors of the St. Croix abattoir open later this month. We have chickens and would like to get some sheep. 2005. Either way, the St. Croix breed is a good choice if you want to raise a hair sheep in a warm climate, as it has a high rate of multiple births and is incredibly docile. St. Croix sheep have well-documented parasite resistance, far superior to that found in most other sheep breeds. Gulf Coast Sheep. St. Croix Hair Sheep Breeders, Inc. 337 likes. Bunch, T.D., S. Wang and K.E. They are both good browsers and grazers. People who love lamb, rave that St. Croix is among the best they have ever eaten. We have a two mature proven St. Croix cross breeding rams for sale or trade. These breeding rams are $300.00 each. The flavor is mild. It is a very lean meat with a flavor similar to that of whitetail with no mutton taste. While at Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon this past week. We promote the many productive qualities of St. Croix Sheep and their crossbreds. Place Ad; Edit Ad ; Browse Ads; Search Ads; Ad Category. Our St Croix are virtually CAREFREE, and they are wonderfully G ENTLE and F RIENDLY. They are a hair sheep breed which means they have a coat of hair rather than wool that covers their bodies, heads and clean legs. They will join the other USDA-certified butcher who can process and … The size of the ewes in the U.S. averages 119 pounds, while the rams average 163 pounds. Taste tests conducted at Utah State University and published in articles in 2004 placed the meat quality of pure bred St. Croix in first place for the grades in flavor, juiciness and tenderness (shear force). Priced at $200 each. A few more interesting facts to know about the breed, They are pretty docile but very active and vigorous as such no child should be left unsupervised around them. They can be used for the sheep skin which has a good quality to it. They are called as ‘Virgin Island White‘ because they were imported into North America and were selected for their white coloration. The ewes are being milked for cheese production, in some regions of the United States. These sheep almost never need their feet trimmed. They can live and adapt themselves in a wide variety of climates. A few of our St Croix have some Dorper blood, and carry some black. Interest is growing in MILK ING them a s well. These include sheep that are grown primarily for wool, that are grown primarily for meat production and even sheep without wool. St. Croix. The St. Croix abattoir is a red meat production establishment that receives cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs for slaughter. St. Croix Sheep. The primary purpose for this breed is for meat. Thinking about raising St. Croix hair sheep? Meet some of the heritage meat sheep breeds that might be right for you. They are typically raised for meat, which is marketable at top dollar for its widely-acclaimed fine texture and mild flavor. St. Croix The St. Croix is a descendant of the West African hair sheep, but some people believe they could be crossed between Wiltshire White and Criollos heep. We have about 4 acres of trees and grass. The ewes can breed up to twice a year and have an abundance of good quality milk high in butter fat content. Today, due to the work of Piel and other Katahdin breeders, Katahdin sheep are known as being hardy, low-maintenance sheep that adapt easily to a variety of conditions. St. Croix Hair Sheep International Association, American Sheep Industry Association List of Breed Associations & Standards. People who normally don't care for lamb can't believe that is what they are eating when they taste St. Croix. We are taking deposits on whole and half-lamb orders, and then depending on what is left, we'll sell individual cuts at the prices on the Meat Price List. Classifieds Menu. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Photo and info from Wikipedia. Their fine grained, low fat meat is mild and superior in texture and flavor. These sheep have never been supplemented with grain, and were hay fed only in times of deep snow. After attending a free class at the University of Kentucky which introduced her to different sheep breeds, she decided on the Saint Croix, a small meat breed with hair rather than wool, known for its resistance to the parasite problems that often plague other breeds. They are not selective eaters and they have been used for weed control due to their preference for weeds. The St Croix are mainly a meat sheep, and are well adapted to the East Texas heat and humidity. My daughters will not allow me to cull them out of the flock, because they are cute :) Their rugged toughness reminds me of the Boz and Kangals, which is something I admire. We have introduced Dorper into our St. Croix herd in hopes to add a little more meat on our St. Croix but we are still experimenting trying to make the “perfect sheep”. These sheep were the basis of the present St. Croix breed in the U.S. Origin: Developed in the Virgin Islands for crosses of West African hair sheep and Wiltshire Horn. They are able to survive in both hot and cold climates. . Ewes are excellent mothers and require minimal assistance. St. Croix sheep is a meat sheep breed. Never given dewormer.Because of the labor involved in bringing animals from pasture to the corral, minimum sale of 10 animals. To place an ad, click the Place Ad link below. The St. Croix are a medium sized sheep with pretty long fine boned straight faces and pink noses. My daughters will not allow me to cull them out of the flock, because they are cute :) Their rugged toughness reminds me of the Boz and Kangals, which is something I admire. St. Croix are a hair sheep, raised for tender, mild flavored meat. Only ads about St. Croix sheep or related items (herding/LGD dogs, equipment, etc.) This is due to their strong flocking character and instincts as they respond well to guard dogs and can live harmoniously with them all year around. The sheep tend not to … The St. Croix sheep proliferated as subsistence livestock, and they were also valued for the manure critical to sugar cane production. St. Croix sheep is a medium sized animal with completely white coloration. There have been taste tests done on the St. Croix sheep breed meat in Utah that placed the meat in firs place for its grades in flavor, tenderness and juiciness. On the Island of St. Croix, they come in shades of brown, white and black. The St. Croix sheep are a very hardy breed of domestic sheep. Status: Critical Believed to be descendants of sheep brought to the Americas in the 1500s by French and Spanish explorers, Gulf Coast sheep are a remnant of the “Golden Age” of exploration. The primary purpose for this breed is for meat. For … Interest is growing in MILK ING them a s well. These are an especially LARGE STRAIN of St. Croix and make S UPERB MEAT she e p. (See Slow Food's "Ark of Taste" write-up here). SHEEP MEAT PRODUCTION INFORMATION; The St. Croix sheep breed has a good taste that does not have the flavor from the lanolin that is produced by wool sheep. We are happy to now be in a position to provide St Croix SHEEP breeding stock. SCHSB is a registry & resource for purebred St. Croix Hair Sheep. We feel that our time must be used where it will improve our operation, rather than maintaining status quo. Operations at the Abattoir are regulated by laws of the Virgin Islands. We offer farm fresh, naturally raised heritage lamb … Today, they are raised primarily for meat production. The breed is an excellent choice for a small farm with just a few sheep or large scale meat production. The meat has a mild flavor, good grain and produce a lean meat. However, review full breed profile of this breed in the chart below. Their fine grained, low fat meat is mild and superior in texture and flavor. By Yates Colby & Bill Marion. It allows buyers to have a greater connection to where their food comes from, insight into the practices used to raise that animal, input into how they want their meat processed, and more. It is native to the U.S Virgin Islands and named for the island of Saint Croix. Meatmaster Sheep: Characteristics, Uses & Breed Information, Bardoka Sheep: Characteristics, Origin, Uses & Breed Information, Damani Sheep: Characteristics, Origin, Uses & Breed Information, Bibrik Sheep: Characteristics, Origin, Uses & Breed Information, Clun Forest Sheep: Characteristics, Uses & Breed Information, White Suffolk Sheep: Characteristics, Uses & Breed Information, Poultry Farming: Complete Business Guide For Beginners, Ostrich Farming: Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Koi Fish Farming: Profitable Climbing Perch Production …, Quail Farming: Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Pigeon Farming: Profitable Business Starting Guide For …, Snail Farming: Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Pig Farming: Commercial Business Guide For Beginners, Rabbit Farming: Rabbit Production Business For Beginners, Peacock Farming: Business Starting Guide For Beginners, Lobster Farming: Guide For Starting the Business …, Goat Farming: Complete Business Guide For Beginners, Duck Farming: Complete Business Guide For Beginners, Broiler Poultry Farming: Guide for Starting Meat …, Very hardy and strong animals, ewes are good mothers, able to adapt themselves in a wide variety of climates, able to survive in both hot and cold climates, parasite resistant, show resistance to hoof rot, fly strike resistant, ewes are good milkers and produce ample milk for their lambs, relatively calm temperament, easy to handle, active. The St. Croix breed can easily be raised at the rate of 6 adult sheep on the land required for a single cow. But they come in shades of black, brown and white on the Island of St. Croix. The meat has a mild flavor, good grain and produce a lean meat. Average birth weight of the St. Croix sheep is around 2.7 to 3.1 kg. St. Croix sheep are a hardy breed that is known for being parasite resistant and naturally polled. They also show resistance to hoof rot. The St. Croix sheep breed is believed to have descended from the African sheep that were brought to the Caribbean on slave ships during the beginning of the 1600s. They are non-selective grazers and can help manage difficult terrain and have few hoof problems. St. Croix, sheep have superior mothering abilities, parasite resistance, and hardiness; while Dorpers are larger and have a heavily-muscled frame. These sheep have been used for weed control due to their preference for weeds. The breeds of hair sheep that are of importance in Florida include Katahdin, St. Croix, American Blackbelly, and Barbados Blackbelly. Mature size of sheep ranges from 50 lbs to 500 lbs depending on breed. On the Island of St. Croix, they come in shades of brown, white and black. We want sheep for meat and lawn mowing. And from a breed of hair sheep which does not grow wool. And today the breed is raised mainly for meat production. The St. Croix sheep are known as ‘Parasitic Pasture Vacuums‘ for their ability to clear a pasture of parasites reducing the need to worm sheep. Only ads about St. Croix sheep or related items (herding/LGD dogs, equipment, etc.) A few of our St Croix have some Dorper blood, and carry some black. Kid skin leather products such as shoes, car seats, fine leather coats, gloves, etc. These sheep almost never need their feet trimmed. They can live and adapt themselves in a wide variety of climates. It is raised mainly for meat production. By buying and selling in bulk and avoiding retail markups, sellers can ask for a higher price, while the buyer still saves compared to retail prices. Your email address will not be published. They grow a thick wool coat during the cold winter temperatures, and their hair coat lets them to tolerate the heat. The rams have a large throat ruff. They were developed in Florida, USA, by Ron Taber in 2000. Winter temperatures, and annually have St. Croix has been used as the foundation breed for white... Have ever eaten the U.S Virgin Islands for crosses of West African hair breed... To use this site we will likely be able to meet your needs even! Programs in weed control due to their preference for weeds of Saint Croix selected. From 150 - 200 % with two lambings a year not uncommon '' because they are when! Been supplemented with grain, and pigs for slaughter small farming and production of grass fed meat often also Virgin. 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