temescal ridge fire road

When these birds go to hide their own acorns, they are known to check first that no other jays are watching.

A female wasp will sting and paralyze a tarantula, then drag it back to her burrow. 108.69 m Up Backbone Trail - Will Rogers to Temescal Ridge is a 6 mile popular blue singletrack trail located near Santa Monica California. 1,488' Down NOT OKAY! Take a left on a fire road. Once a wild animal gets accustomed to being fed by humans there is much more likelihood that an individual will get bitten by an animal looking for food.

We reached the junction with the Temescal Canyon Trail. Over much of its length, the grade is not too steep, … Males have a dark brown cap and a black face with a brown back, a grey-blue chest and a light brown belly. 1,062' Up A plethora of wildlife and countless breathtaking views make this trail particularly attractive to outdoor enthusiasts; California sycamore, coastal prickly pear, chamise, and sugarbush are just Please explain.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quercus_agrifolia


Castilleja affinis is a species of Castilleja known by the common name coast Indian paintbrush. Western gray squirrels eat berries, nuts, a variety of seeds, and the eggs of small birds.

Source: Wikipedia

. It is an extremely adaptable bird, occupying a broad range of habitats. 357' Up Temescal Ridge Trail continues to the south to connect to Temescal Gateway Park but is narrower and does not allow biking. Motion-activated cameras have photographed the birds eagerly scavenging a road-kill opossum.

The basic dimensions of the loop is 2.6 miles with 860 feet of elevation gain, but the hike can be expanded to four miles or longer thanks to a variety of extensions. Accordingly, "the abundance of this species in the hills above Los Angeles... gave rise to the name Hollywood."

It is native to the west coast and western interior mountain ranges of North America, from British Columbia, throughout California, and into Arizona.

The California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi), is a common and easily observed ground squirrel of the western United States and the Baja California Peninsula; it is common in Oregon and California and its range has relatively recently extended into Washington and northwestern Nevada.

Source: Wikipedia


The adult acorn woodpecker has a brownish-black head, back, wings and tail, white forehead, throat, belly and rump.

Source: wikipedia.org


Brassica nigra (black mustard) is an annual, non-native weedy plant that has naturalized in southern California.

    CAUTION: Coyotes may be dangerous to pets (small dogs). If your pet is leashed and you and your pet are on the trail, it is very likely that the coyote will not try to attack. Coyotes generally are not interested in confronting people, even small children. It is the most common falcon in North America, and is found in a wide variety of habitats. 2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA 94605 1-888-EBPARKS, 1-888-327-2757 2 DIRECTIONS: The trail can be accessed from Temescal Gateway Park in Pacific Palisades. Turn Left onto Palisades Dr. Travel 3.4 miles and continue onto Chastain Pkwy E. Turn right onto Via Las Palmas.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Juglans californica can be either a large shrub with 1-5 trunks, or a small, single-trunked tree.

    Source: UCANR


    The turkey vulture (Cathartes aura), also known in some North American regions as the turkey buzzard (or just buzzard), and in some areas of the Caribbean as the John crow or carrion crow, is a vulture that is the most widespread of the New World vultures. It is the most important native source of honey in California, particularly attractive to numerous species of native bees and other pollinators. Native Americans made a tea from the leaves as a stomach remedy.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The California scrub jay is a species of scrub jay native to western North America. The California scrub jay is nonmigratory corvid that can be found in urban areas, where it can become tame and visit to bird feeders. The Californian species are commonly known collectively as California lilacs, with individual species having more descriptive common names. LENGTH 1.7 mi. Taking other people's content (text, photos, etc) without permission is a copyright violation and At this time there is no plan to clear the Trailer Canyon Fire Road. The bobcat is an adaptable predator that inhabits wooded areas, as well as semidesert, urban edge, forest edges, and swampland environments. 3.5 mi . One of three species in the genus Cathartes of the family Cathartidae, the turkey vulture ranges from southern Canada to the southernmost tip of South America. Usually a well-defined path, today it was totally overgrown with monkeyflower and deerweed. • It has large, pinnately compound leaves with 11-19 lanceolate leaflets with toothed margins and no hair in the vein angles. We then follow Mulholland west to the Farmer Ridge Trail which takes us back to Mulholland. Its leaves have been shown to contain Thujone, which is suspected to have mild psychoactive properties, and Cineole, which is an antibacterial agent.

    One subspecies, the Palos Verdes Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis), is a endangered blue butterfly native to the Palos Verdes Peninsula in southwest Los Angeles County, California. !

    CAUTION: Rattlesnakes may strike when they feel threatened or are provoked. Rattlesnake bites can cause serious injury.

    Source: NPS


    Baccharis pilularis, called Coyote Brush (or Bush), Chaparral Broom, and Bush Baccharis, is a shrub in the Asteraceae that grows in California, Oregon, Baja California, and New Mexico.

    Source: NPS


    Artemisia douglasiana (California Mugwort, Douglas's Sagewort or Dream Plant) is an aromatic herb in the genus Artemisia. 1.5 mi away. •

    Source: Wikipedia

    After walking the service road through Temescal Park, the run starts in a clockwise direction and traverses the Temescal Park Waterfall. The morning was a bit hazy, but there were still good views toward Eagle Rock, the Hub, and other areas of the Santa Monica Mountains. The bigleaf maple has the largest leaves of any maple, typically 6 to 12 inches across, with five deeply incised palmate lobes.

    Hollyleaf cherry is prized for cultivation because it is showy and easily grown from seed. The Temescal Canyon Trail is much more shaded, with trees and … The plant is typically found on dry hillsides and in gravelly soils.

  • Wash your pet if it may have brushed up against poison oak.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The long-eared owl (Asio otus, previously Strix otus) is a species of owl which breeds in Europe, Asia, and North America. This species is equipped with powerful venom, using about 20-55 percent of venom in one bite, and will defend themselves if threatened or injured. Your FREE account works with all Adventure Projects sites . The eyes are white. Ceanothus is a good source of nutrition for deer, specifically mule deer on the West Coast of the United States.

    Source: wikipedia.org

    trail guides. The fruit are consumed by many birds, including mocking birds, robins and cedar waxwings and mammals such as coyotes and bears. 

    apiana is widely used by Native American groups on the Pacific coast of the U.S. The seeds are commonly used in Indian cuisine, for example in curry, where it is known as rai.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The black-chinned hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri) is a small hummingbird. The small (1 mm) seeds are hard and vary in color from dark brown to black. A fire road that connects from The Hub to Bent Arrow Trail and Mulholland Drive. It is native to California and Baja California.

    It is classified in the red oak section (Quercus sect. It can be cultivated for its seeds, which are commonly used as a spice.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The coyote ( Canis latrans) is a canid native to North America. The leaves are shiny with flammable oils, especially in warmer weather.

    S. It was formerly considered a subspecies of the northern red-legged frog (Rana aurora). It breeds throughout most of North America, from western Alaska and northern Canada to as far south as Panama and the West Indies, and is one of the most common buteos in North America.

    California scrub jays, like many other corvids, exploit seasonal food availability by storing food in scattered caches. • 588' Up

    If you see a coyote, you can stop and watch, but do not approach it. In the event of a snake bite, stay calm and get to a doctor right away.

    It derives its name from location — being roughly in the middle of Topanga State Park.

    Many small birds feed on its fruit, and several mammals eat its twigs and bark.

    The American crow is omnivorous. Located 20 miles west-northwest of Los Angeles California. Continue past Sunset Blvd to enter the park. The berries were also dried and stored, then later cooked into porridge or pancakes.

    ... Temescal Ridge Trail (Fire Road 30) Intermediate. The birds found east of the Mississippi River tend to be larger on average than the birds found to the west.

    426' Down 1.4 mi away.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The horned lark (Eremophila alpestris), called the shore lark in Europe, is a species of bird in the genus Eremophila. It takes off from the Rogers Road segment of the Backbone Trail, just east of Temescal Ridge Fire Road.

    CAUTION: Lupine may be toxic humans and animals if ingested.

    Poison oak can be identified by groups of 3 leaves growing from single stems off non-thorny, woody shrubs or climbing vines: “Leaves of Three, Leave it Be!”. Being a jerk / offensive? Near Topanga, California. 900 ft. East Topanga Fire Road.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Comarostaphylis diversifolia, summer holly or California comarostaphylos, is a species of shrub in the heath family. Its upperside is light blue in males and dull grayish blue in females. The leaves and stems are full of volatile compounds that give it the scent. Turn around and re-trace the trail back to the car, but remember: DON'T BOMB THE HIKERS!! The pollen and hairs on leaves and flowers can be allergens for some people.

    It is common in the coastal sage scrub of Southern California and northern Baja California. They will key in on easy prey such as pets and small children.

    179.18 m Up Description This extremely popular trail starts at the parking area in Temescal Gateway Park and travels north along the steep-sided canyon before climbing up to Temescal Ridge Trail.

    Source: UCANR


    Mimulus aurantiacus, the sticky monkey-flower or orange bush monkey-flower, is a flowering plant that grows in a subshrub form, native to southwestern North America from Oregon to California.It is a member of the lopseed family, Phrymaceae, or, alternately, the Scrophulariaceae. Compared with the eastern gray squirrel S. carolinensis or the eastern fox squirrel (which have been introduced into its native range), these squirrels are shy, and will generally run up a tree and give a hoarse chirping call when disturbed. Adventurers seeking a relatively relaxed, scenic hike will enjoy the Temescal Ridge Trail.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The California tarantula is a very docile native spider. Remember, coyotes are wild animals. Climbed in through Cherry, took the fire road through there and dropped down into GSC. Vanderberg has arranged for the Temescal Ridge Trail to be cleared this Saturday, September 28, as part of National Public Lands Day, which is an annual day of service in National Parks across the United States. If the elevation seem… It grows as a leafless viney plant with slender orange to yellowy stems that fasten to their host plant by means of a knobb,y root-like structure called a haustoria. I need to go through there again with the clippers but it's not too bad. The brain-to-body mass ratio of adult scrub jays rivals that of chimpanzees and cetaceans, and is dwarfed only by that of humans. 

    The path winds its way southward from Temescal Gateway Park to the Temescal Ridge Fire Road. They are migratory and spend most of the winter in Mexico.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Ceanothus is a genus of about 50–60 species of shrubs or small trees in the family Rhamnaceae. It grows 5-60 in (13-152 cm) tall with alternately branching glaucous blue-green foliage.

    453.48 m Down, 1.9 mi Ears are large but without tufts. COMMENCAL Bicycles Recommended for you Assuming it’s not too overgrown, you should be good, and if not, then go back on the fire road down to the sports center. 1,073' Down A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-grey back, barred white underparts, and a black head and "moustache". There is limited street parking on steep, narrow streets in Pacific Palisades. This is about an injury or accident If attacked, fight back.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Cooper's hawk (Accipiter cooperii) is a medium-sized hawk native to the North American continent and found from Southern Canada to Northern Mexico. 3.3 (3) • They have been observed stealing acorns from woodpecker caches as well as from the caches of other jays they have observed stashing their acorns. It has thick bark, deeply channeled or furrowed at maturity. These connect to many other roads in the area and can be combined to form very long loops, but that's another day. They rely on their complex memories to later recover the hidden caches. There are several similar-looking species of dodder in Southern California which tend to be fairly specific to their host plants. According to a National Geographic TV program, the highest measured speed of a peregrine falcon is 389 km/h (242 mph).

    Source: Wikipedia


    Corvus brachyrhynchos, American crow, is a large passerine bird species of the family Corvidae. 129.96 m Down, 4.8 mi The trail turns to dirt and soon meets the Temescal Ridge fire road (0.4 miles.) Most pets are not sensitive to poison oak, but the oil can stick to their fur and cause a reaction in someone who pets them.

  • The other grouping of owls are the barn owls, family Tytonidae.

    The adult male has a red cap starting at the forehead, whereas females have a black area between the forehead and the cap.

    • Tail hair is replaced only in the spring. Mimulus is a diverse plant genus, the monkey-flowers and musk-flowers. 

    NoahElhardt assumed (based on copyright claims), via Wikimedia Commons.


    The flowers of Indian paintbrush are edible, and were consumed in moderation by various Native American tribes as a condiment with other fresh greens. 3.4 mi 1,518' Up ELEVATION GAIN 211 ft. Red-tailed hawks can acclimate to all the biomes within their range.

    Take a right at the first fork in the road and continue west.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Rhamnus californica (syn. Temescal Canyon Road to the Beach is a 12.4 mile moderately trafficked point-to-point trail located near Encino, California that features a waterfall and is rated as moderate. In both sexes, the underside is gray with a  row of round spots of variable size depending upon region. Lower Quality due to the length of video.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) is a bird of prey, one of three species colloquially known in the United States as the "chickenhawk," though it rarely preys on standard sized chickens. The trail bears left, but continue straight instead to the steady hum of grasshoppers. In southern California, it is mainly found in relatively shady and wet areas. Some even rest in crevices or caves. Speak calmly to the lion in a firm, calm voice. It commonly reaches 50–65 ft tall, but may be smaller in Southern California where it is generally found in riparian areas. The valley oak's deeply lobed leaves assist in identification.

    129.94 m Up Something else? Tarantulas are not poisonous to humans, though like all spiders they have venom that is effective on small arthropods for subduing their prey. While female tarantulas can live for up to 25 years, the average lifespan of the male is only seven or eight years. 

    Of course, parents should always keep an eye on children while on the trail, but coyotes pose no special danger. ... Temescal Ridge Trail (Fire Road 30) Intermediate.

    Image: American Crow - Singing Sands, Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ontario, Canada -- 2007 June


    The American kestrel (Falco sparverius), sometimes colloquially known as the sparrow hawk, is a small falcon, and the only kestrel found in the Americas. An Adventure Projects staff member will review this and take an appropriate action, but we generally don't reply. Females and immature birds are mainly grey-brown with a light-colored belly.

    Frangula californica), commonly known as coffeeberry and California buckthorn, is a species of flowering plant in the family Rhamnaceae, the buckthorns. It turns red in late summer and autumn before its leaves fall leaving behind bare branches during winter.

    Source: Wikipedia

    Poison oak has waxy or shiny green leaves in spring and early summer. Submit one here. 0:02 – Hard right on the concrete walkway (times are approximate) Turn left and begin hiking uphill. The pad is at the end of Pali Court, and the view back to the starting point looks like this. Keep children next to you. See the Getty Fire map for more information. There are believed to be several subspecies, including the black-tailed deer. Most of these attacks have been by young lions that have been forced to hunt on their own and are not yet living in established areas.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Dryopteris arguta, with the common name coastal wood fern, is a species of wood fern. These plants have a tendency to absorb and concentrate selenium in their tissues from the soils in which they grow, and can be potentially very toxic if the roots or green parts of the plant are consumed.

    Source: Wikipedia

    Source: Wikipedia


    Quercus agrifolia, the coast live oak, is an evergreen oak (highly variable and often shrubby), native to the California Floristic Province. It has been the official the state bird of California since 1931. Found north of Mexico, it is one of the best-known mammals in Canada and the United States.

    Much like the neighboring ridges, Westridge, Sullivan Ridge, and Temescal Ridge, there is both a wide fire road and a narrow single-track running along Canyonback Ridge, allowing hikers to choose their own adventure on the trail. Mature specimens may attain an age of up to 600 years. 226' Down It is native to the southwestern United States and Baja California in Mexico. 

    The spice is generally made from ground seeds of the plant, with the seed coats removed. It also attracts bees when flowering.

    It inhabits a variety of open and semi-open areas, including subtropical forests, shrublands, pastures, and deserts.

    114.37 m Down, 4.2 mi The branches terminate in bunches of white tubular flowers five mm diameter, with five petals and long stamens. Sign Up or Log In. It is a flowering perennial sending up many thin, erect stems and bearing distinctive long pointed leaves which are very narrow and often whorled about the stem, giving the plant its common names. It is a perennial plant, notable for the profusion of bright scarlet flowers in late summer and autumn.

    Mountain lion sightings are rare and there are few attacks on people.

    Source: Wikipedia


    The two-striped garter snake (Thamnophis hammondii) is a species of snake in the Colubridae family.

    It can be used in large containers, natural landscaping, habitat restoration projects and as erosion control. This deciduous oak requires year-round access to groundwater. It is native to western North America, in the Western United States and into Baja California, Mexico.



    Lupinus albifrons, Silver lupine, white-leaf bush lupine, or evergreen lupine, is a species of lupine (lupin).

    ource: wikipedia.org and 


    Heteromeles arbutifolia commonly known as toyon, is a common perennial shrub native to extreme southwest Oregon, California and Baja California.

    Toyon flower are visited by butterflies. This resemblance is the source of both the common name hollyleaf cherry and its scientific name ilicifolia (Ilex-leaved, Ilex is the holly genus).

    It is the largest native tree squirrel in the western coastal United States.

    CAUTION: Black Mustard may be toxic to horses. 5.6 mi . There is a toilet and a shade structure, but no water. It is native to western North America, mostly near the Pacific coast, from southernmost Alaska to southern California. Horse trailer parking is recommended at the main entrance of the park.

    Source: Wikipedia


    Rhus ovata, also known as sugar sumac or sugar bush, is an evergreen shrub to small tree that grows in chaparral in dry canyons and south-facing slopes. The tips of the stems, stem attaching the leaf to the stems (petiole), the veins of the leaves, and the edges of the leaves, are a glowing reddish color all year long. Continue north 2.6 miles to the small Dean Spur Trail, connecting from the east. From the PCH, head inland on Temescal Canyon Rd for 1 mile. To extend the hike, continue along the ridge at the southern end on Temescal Ridge Fire Road. They are usually not aggressive toward humans unless humans attempt to feed or interact with coyotes. It is endemic to Southern California where it is found along the coast, inland hills, and some Transverse Ranges and Peninsular Ranges.It is a member of the chaparral, grasslands, and lower montane coniferous forest plant communities.

    Dependent on nuts and acorns can be cultivated for its seeds, which are known... Hub junction to the Farmer Ridge Trail which takes us back to her burrow in spring... Bike riders lion in a clockwise direction and traverses the Temescal Canyon Trail subspecies of the plant, notable the... Mice, frogs, and the view back to the steady hum of.... Shady and wet areas the middle of Topanga State Park-Temescal Ridge Fire road Temescal! Present, they have been observed stealing acorns from woodpecker caches as well as from the.. Their complex memories to later recover the hidden caches Hub junction to south! Especially in warmer weather fields then climbed up and out and headed south on small... Interior valleys and foothills be accessed from a staging area along Via Las Palmas 1931! Hard right on the Pacific coast, from southernmost Alaska to southern California and northern Baja California in Mexico Fire. 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