how fast do red tail catfish grow

Redtail Catfish have a brown to black colored back, yellow to white colored sides, and red to reddish/orange tipped dorsal, adipose, and caudal fins. The Redtail Catfish is known to grow very large at a fast rate. Can you have them in an outdoor pond without a heater and store them in an indoor tank during the winter? Any advice is greatly appreciated. The largest redtail catfish ever found was in 2010 at the Amazon river, Brazil. But I don’t know what happened. What does Red-Tailed Catfish eat grows fast? They are generally olivaceous to blue on the back, shading to the off-white ventrally. Their color, to a large extent, is dictated by the color of the water they inhabit. I'm no fish keeping expert but IMO one (provided an incredible filter) rtc will do fine in a 8' x 4' x 2.5' pond because they usually don't reach their full potential unless there given extreme tanks. Redtail Catfish are not picky eaters. Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus Quick Stats. Q: How fast do retail catfish grow? Wels cats I am not a fan of by the way which is the indigenous variety here in Europe. But if you have all that is required, you will really enjoy keeping this marvelous creature. Understood, but I am just using the 50 gal tank to grow them out large enough to be put into the pond which will be 20x8x5 feet. The red tail catfish is one of the most attractive species of the catfish family.For those lovers of fish that would love to have the red tail catfish as a pet, we need to understand what type of fish they are, how they live, so we can provide the perfect environment for them to live in. We got two baby RTCs and today we noticed clear bubbles on their whiskers. At least a minimum of 30% of the water should be changed on weekly bases.At adult size, a water tank of between 1000 to 1500 gallons will be needed depending on the specimen. While Redtail Catfish in captivity do grow to be smaller on average, they will still grow to several feet fairly quickly, and can grow at a rate of one inch each week. The Red-tailed Catfish Phractocephalus hemioliopterus was described by Bloch and Schneider in 1801. While choosing tank mates for your red tail catfish, it must be a fish of the same size or bigger. Being fully aware of the requirement to keep the catfish as a pet, most individuals can only meet up to the requirement for the juvenile red tail catfish. It can be seen on sale quite often as well. The channel catfish is the only spotted North American catfish with a deeply forked tail. We’ll cover this in the tank requirements section. Robert Woods is the creator of FishKeeping World, a third generation fish keeper and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior. I dont think enough people remember to think about the food bill with any type of pet, but especially “monster” fish like these. Nitrate level should be below 20 pm through consistent water changes.The catfish can be treated, but all medications must be used carefully as they are scaleless fish. It is said to be the last living fishin its genus, yet there are reports of a … Red tail Catfish Phractocephalus hemioliopterus (4-5 Inches) Region: Amazon River Basin, Brazil, Rio Negro, Venezuela . They may seem stand offish or shy but that’s only because they prefer to be more nocturnal. In your home aquarium, they can grow up to 4 feet in length. The red tail catfish is a very special species of fish. Therefore, it is advised that the nitrate level is maintained below 20 pm, and this can be achieved by changing the water regularly. Sort by. Robert. Redtail catfish don’t possess scales; this makes their body smooth and nice to feel.It is native of the Orinoco as well as the Essequibo and Amazon River basins of South America. I’ve found that private ones are more likely to take on these fish than chain stores. The head and upper part of the body is dotted with myriads of darker black to brown spots. I’m thinking about putting a lake on my property in southern Spain. 100% Upvoted. Yoyo Loach Care Sheet – Feeding, Diet, Tankmates, Breeding, Panda Corydoras Care Guide – Diet, Tankmates, Breeding. When left in the wild, it can grow even bigger. And also at that stage, its appetite will have grown really big. If there is just one piece of advice to give about the tank – only buy the fish when you have a huge tank. They are more active at night, according to anythingfish, and sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between the male red tail catfish and the female. Growth Size Rate – How Fast Do They Grow. Sep 11, 2019 - Explore Blue's board "Red tail catfish" on Pinterest. although it made me not to buy a red tail catfish because I do not have a big enough tank… . Is it possible they are just air bubbles? I’m self admitting this as my number one reason not to go the route of increasing your tank size as they grow even if you can keep up as a rare case with the required space requirements, as it can cause unnecessary stress to the fish and you . Personally in the Sonarn Desert our short winters can be as low as high 30sF in the day to mid 20sF at night for a few weeks out of the year and as high as 115F during the day and 90sF at night. If you have a juvenile and keep it in a small tank, it will outgrow the tank in the first year. Hey, thanks for passing by, welcome to the blog for Pet Fish fans. The largest recorded Redtail Catfish was found in the Amazon River in … I had to have one and ground had not broke on the pond build. Redtail Catfish are not restricted by the size of a tank – if they are in a tank that is too small, they will continue growing in the cramped quarters until they eventually die. I recently brought a pair of Redtail Catfish about 2inches in size. So the number of RTC that you can house in a pond varies depending on the gallon of water you have in the pond. Most important is that you know what the Redtail Catfish is called in your own region. It belongs to the kingdom, Animalia and to the Phylum, Chordata. Ive seen Koi in a tank eat worms and eat a dead comet feeder fish. The redtail catfish, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus, is a pimelodid (long-whiskered) catfish.In Venezuela it is known as cajaro and in Brazil it is known as pirarara, stemming from the Tupi language words pirá and arara. So, you can feed them with a different variety of live foods. The red tail catfish is good for public aquariums.Only expert aquarist can meet up to the minimum requirement to house an adult red tail catfish. Thanks, Robert. Can anyone help me out? Red tailed cats are known for their EXTREMELY fast growth rates. Red-Tailed Catfish likes to eat loach, small fish, shrimp, meat, etc. Robert, Would koi fish be a good pond company for a redtail cat I’m wanting to get both but I want to make sure an what size the pond should be any tips would be a huge thanks, It really depends on their size. These fishes are peaceful species but they are territorial with their own species and other catfish of the Pimelodidae family. With all the collected free or cheap materials i could find and most items bought at msrp were not originally marketed for fish keeping but do the job as well or better and assembled filtration and temperature control systems and it still cost me a few hundred(trying to keep costs down to put into the final habitat) just to put this 660gal together and it’s only temporary until the 2000gal is finished. I recently learned that the red-tailed catfish could get up to 5 feet long. Practically, you should keep your red tail batfish on their own, as they do better when they relate with the same species or fishes of the same size. Now he is in a 100 litre tank. Hi Melvin, It’s difficult to know the exact cause of death of your RTC. They have the same nutrients as live foods. Juveniles should be fed every other day, but as they mature they will only require one large meal per week.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_27',115,'0','0'])); Once you get to know your fish, you can watch for signs when they are sluggish. It is in a tiny tank way too small -maybe 20 inches. This article will also serve as our Redtail Catfish Guide. The Redtail Catfish is known by different names in the various regions around the world where they have been found to occur. web browser that A: Yes, and they stop … If it is fed feed from a young age, it will also receive feed when it grows up. The catfish is known for many things, one of which is its big size. I really hope you manage to find a home for him. Copyright © 2020 - Fishkeeping World - All Rights Reserved. They sometimes eat anything that is used to decorate the tank where they are kept. A juvenile catfish can be very shy. The Redtail Catfish as we have it today may have probably evolved from one of this ancient aquatic fish. Redtail catfish are those massive fish that you observe in the public aquariums. As the name suggests, they have a red tail. In the wild, they feed on smaller fishes, insects, worms, and other tiny animals. In fact I’ve often joked you could fire a bullet into them and they would survive they are that tough. For you to successful house a red tail catfish, you must be ready to provide the amount of space required. If you are getting one you will not be disappointed with your experience interacting with your RTC. This is not true. Will get it next week. Sort by. The eggs should be hatched within 4 – 5 days, and you should expect to see the free-swimming juvenile in no time- they can grow 1 inch every week. I want to grow a few monsters so I’d also be happy to heat if anyone has any other ideas of what I could happily stock into the lake in such a climate? In this article we will give you all the information you need, to make an informed decision about whether or not you have the capacity to house and successfully look after a Redtail Catfish. And yes money: upkeep(filter),energy(multiple pumps(water/air),water movers, heating/cooling with thermostat controller, water, oh and food. The fishes should be kept in a Plexiglas tank. Hey, thanks for passing by, welcome to the blog for  Pet Fish fans. We’re talking about a tank the size of a large SUV plopped right in your house, with a food, water, and electric bill that would make a … One way to know that you need to check your water parameters is when you see your Redtail Catfish swimming to the top so as to gulp air and then it swims back down into the water. The fish can be encountered is large and medium rivers, streams, lakes with sandy or muddy bottom. save hide report. Return it and demand your money back. This size should be OK, if you can stretch any bigger I would suggest doing that. No suggestions unfortunately, do let us know if you ever find out. They will almost double in size every month or two. Watch out for your Red Tail Cat Fish as they Grow My Friends!!!! It is difficult to breed a catfish in an aquarium because the tank size required cannot be found in most homes. That is, can you provide them with the best possible life for the duration of their life? Avoid decorations, gravel and loose parts in your tank. It’s also best to house them all together from a young age. For you to keep a group of them, you will need a minimum of 2500 gallons.They are big fishes and for them to do well, you will need to provide enough swimming and hiding space for them. It’s not so cold like most of Europe but winter temperatures can fall to 16-18C in the daytime and 10-12C overnight. It has a flat and curvy mouth; which is encompassed by long whiskers or barbells. Knowing I was going to build a huge setup, a dealer friend of mine got an order in and had to show me and I fell into it. All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. This is me, Wayne, and my son Theo. they grow very fast these beasts. This is a good looking, but very large and predatory catfish, that yet is being kept in tanks. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. The Redtail Catfish is one of the most difficult fish to keep. That’s 800 gallons a month and this is after 6 months. Live foods sometimes carry diseases. Although there are some saline water fish without a scale, you can hardly find a freshwater fish with scale. He is also a proud member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America and the Nature Conservancy. The blue catfish has a rounded anal fin with 24-29 rays. Within one year it can reach 24″ or more. There really is only one question to ask yourself to help decide whether you want to keep an RTC. I started this journey after we bought him hist first Fish Tank of fish. They have a good attribute of relating well with you if you spend enough time with them. Your red tail catfish easily grow up an inch in a week, when they are young most of them can reach up to two feet in a year. 100% Upvoted. They grow very quickly; up to one inch per month until they reach around 12 inches in length. They need very large tanks to grow to their full size. So began the ever so quick tank upgrades: 20gal(pointless), 40gal, 55gal short, 75gal, 110gal and now to a temporary 660gal pond. expect for it to get 2 foot at least within the year, maybe more depending on it's current tank size. And even if it where 1 cat the same amount of time, energy and money would have gone into the care. Are There Any Diseases That They Might Get? You might have been told by your pet-store that this fish will only grow up 12 inches in your aquarium. It has not been reportedly found in saline water. How does a 2,600-gallon tank as a minimum for one catfish sound? But, if you are really a fan of keeping fishes as a pet, then you can decide to learn one or two of the local names it is called, should you want to relate it with a local in that region. Or for your pond size to be 10x5x4 ft. which can house a pair of Redtail catfish. Desirability: This fish gets really big fast! save hide report. So you will need to have a separate indoor space from your living space or go for an outdoor pond but keep it shaded and remember it is now a greater cost for heating or cooling, especially depending on where you live, and must be done year round as this is not a koi pond. Most at times, names are given based on the behaviour or how the locals perceive the fish to be. The red tail catfish are an amazing set of fish. I see these fish a primal survivor types having handled many of them. I recently learned that the red-tailed catfish could get up to 5 feet long. The Red-tailed Catfish is a special species of catfish; it has a narrow down cylindrical body shape. Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus Quick Stats. The only question mark I have really is the water temperature thing? If a baby red tail catfish is placed in a 10 gallon tank, will it grow to the size of the tank it’s in? And a stressed fish is likely to contact disease. I have setup everything in the tank for them heater filter and hiding place. Generally, catfish are freshwater fish and they thrive very well in this environment. And we’re not talking tall and thin. Box Turtles are some of the most common, and the Eastern Box Turtle is a particularly popular choice. RTCs are mostly kept by professional, experienced aquarists. The binomial name for the Redtail Catfish is therefore Phractocephalushemioliopterus (Bloch & Schneider -1801). Fishkeeping world was created by a school of fish fanatics. Redtail catfish tend to be timid, especially when they are young, and would often hide in caves; their timidity seems to fade away as they attain their monstrous size. For you to successful house a red tail catfish, you must be ready to provide the amount of space required. Are there any specialist fish shops near you? Its uniqueness will put a nice touch of beauty to your aquarium. So what does the Red-Tailed Catfish eat? It can be done and at a reasonable price just do ample research and do as much as you can yourself and you will have a gorgeous pet for years to come( oh yeah this is a longer commitment then your cat or dog) and well worth it in my opinion as you take pride in providing this animal with what it needs to live a healthy life where many have failed for one reason or another, they are a wonderful unique conversation subject and mine anyways is really just my big water puppy. One of my catfish died 2 days later. As they will turn out in looks depends on the way you feed them. These fish are omnivorous and their food majorly consists of fish, crab as well as crustaceans, and fruits in the water. Red tail catfish Two weeks ago yesterday, I moved a red tail catfish from a 55 gallon tank into a new 125 gallon tank. We recommend as a bare minimum, this fish will need a 1000 gallon tank, which should be at least 12 x 4 x 3 foot, even this size would not be appropriate for a fully grown RTC. Since the move, it has eaten almost nothing and has made the tank a relatively safe place for the goldfish now swimming with it. Ensure to maintain a good tank environment and proper water filtration to keep your catfish healthy for a long time. This is one distinguishing factor between a freshwater fish and a saline water fish. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Region: Amazon River Basin, Brazil, Rio Negro, Venezuela. The fish is growing quickly. In the wild it inhabits large rivers, streams and lakes and is native to the Amazon and large waters throughout South America. And what is an exact amount of ghost shrimp to put in? You can also train your red tail catfish to hand feed from a very young age. Red tail Catfish Phractocephalus hemioliopterus . 1 comment. This is due to the large size of the tank it requires. Reply. These fish can easily grow an inch a week when they’re young; most of them reach two feet within a year.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',113,'0','0'])); They can reach lengths of over 4 foot in home aquariums and left in nature, they grow even larger. I need help…I ordered a Zebra Plecostomus from an online store for $4.99. They make great pets and will take food from your hand. The scientific classification of the Redtail Catfish is as follow. Pirarara, Banana catfish, flat-nosed catfish, and antenna catfish are some of the pet names of the redtail catfish (RTC). There are quite a number of other members of the Phractocephalus genus that can be dated back to the upper Miocene (about 23 to 5.3 millions of years ago in geologic time). The aquarist experience level needs to be advanced before he thinks of keeping a Redtail Catfish to maturity. I have known RTC’s to eat Koi. Due to its size and high energy, this fish should be kept with larger tank mates. They can eat anything half their size. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I’m very excited and can’t wait to own the little guy, Thank you for this updated, I wanted to find out about some diseases of this fish and how to treat it, because my fish died 2 days ago, he didnt eat nothing and tired, thanks a lot. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They will take a lot longer to grow than 2-3 weeks, but they do grow relatively quickly. They are well known for their size and red tail beauty colour. I have some experience with red tails as I’ve caught them in asia. Most people plan on getting a bigger tank as the fish get bigger, only to realise that they can’t in the long run. They move very slowly but can increase their speed very fast to catch something. Thankyou Robert. Overfeeding is a common issue amongst this species. As a long term solution, I would say no. Red Tail catfish can grow to over 4 feet long. The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. The South American Redtail Catfish is known for being one of the most attractive catfish, and … Many people decide instead on indoor ponds for this species which is a more appropriate housing solution. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a As long as the temperatures that they stay in remain in between 68-79oF and stay as consistent as possible. So in my case both heating and cooling systems have to be utilized. The retail catfish grows very big and colourful. How fast does a tiger shovelnose/redtail hybrid grow? They have a wavy white stripe on both sides of their body that extends across the midline of the mouth towards the caudal fin. It has a cylindrical shaped body, with a flat belly and a laterally compressed tail.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_13',112,'0','0'])); The top of the dorsal and caudal fin are a red-orange color, and it has three pairs of long barbels; two on the lower jaw, and one of the upper jaw. Hopfully by the summer he will be big enough to go in there. Return it and demand your money back. None of the KOI are missing, so I don’t think it was a predator, but I can’t find a dead fish around the sides either. And we’re not talking tall and thin. In terms of substrate, they’ll eat stones and gravel so ideally you should have a bare bottom tank, but if you really don’t like the look of bare bottomed tanks you could use a layer of sand. The RTC’s could have died from water conditions or something along those lines and then the Koi cleaned up. These fish can easily grow an inch a week when they’re young; most of them reach two feet within a year. Phractocephalus hemioliopterus inhabits Amazon, Essequibo and Orinoco river basins — from Columbia to Bolivia including Venezuela, Ecuador and Brazil. They are customarily dark grey or brown across the top side of their body spotted with black dots. Desirability: This fish gets really big fast! So what does the Red-Tailed Catfish eat? Will get a 4500 litre tank. Fish has the ability to heal the wound, make new cells, and form tissues. 1 comment. You’ll need a … In the wild, it is known to live in freshwater bodies. Any ideas? How long can a tiny 30 gallon tank sustain him while I search for his home? The largest recorded Redtail Catfish was found in the Amazon River in 2010, and was 63 inches in length and weighed 123lbs. As a baby how much will it grow each week and do you think he will grow fast enough to put in my pond in about 6 months? I bet I could get some like 6 feet maybe lol as it has fish, turtles, and amphibeans to feed on along with feedings by me. You should keep the temperature as stable as possible. How Big Do Oscar Fish Get? What does Red-Tailed Catfish eat grows fast? Let me know how you get on. Please help! The red tail catfish are mostly advised to be housed on their own. I don’t think that will be large enough. If possible I would get him into the 320 gallon ASAP, he’ll grow out of a 30 gallon within weeks. And these guys grow fast, faster then your imagining if you’ve never had one. They can be trained to accept food from their owner’s hands. Does anyone know how fast red tail catfish grow? This is me, Wayne, and my son Theo. The tank should be set up to be as their natural habitat. The family is Pimelodidae while the Genus is Phractocephalus (Agassiz, 1829). , 2010 the message Mack and aquarium maintenance hi Alex, do us. Make your own region its missed body part note take up gardening this. That tough large in an indoor tank during the winter not suitable for red! 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