use of kasturi in astrology
Once released from the Muladhara Chakra, it uncoils and begins to rise upward, breaking open and transforming each energy centre as it ascends until Shakti enters the magnetic sphere of SHIVA consciousness. With base oils, such as sweet almond, sesame, coconut, jojoba, soybean oil black seed oil and helichrysum italicum (Oil Immortelle) that are very high in their anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties. Each day of the week is assigned a Planetary ruler. It discusses all technicalities of perfumery and fragrance creation. With essential oils of anti-bacterial tea-tree, warming clove, deeply nourishing rose marc, relaxing lavender, soothing rose geranium and calming and anti-fungal blue-chamomile, you will wonder how you had gone so long without it. According to Vedic Astrology, it is beneficial in cases of people who have Naag dosh or Sarpa Dosha in their horoscope 3. Use of Kasturi (Deer Musk) is prized In Ayurveda. The oil perfume is extracted from the glands of the male musk deer found in the Himalayan regions, has been used for centuries to heal neurological and mental disorders. However in man's normal state, these chakras are dormant. In reuniting SHIVA SHAKTI, the adept can reach out and enjoy the benefits falling form the Sahastara Chakra, the centre of communication directly between the individual being and the infinite consciousness above. and Solution | Remedies | Contact | Disclaimer, Copyright © 2009 Shri Mahesh Rawal All rights reserved | Powered by Dots & Coms. Jupiter’s qualities are expansion, seeking new spiritual frontiers, higher learning. They can be portals to a new existence and the realization of inherent powers. Although it has now become one of the most endangered species. Normally, people with the name Kasturi are multi talented. So, Sunday is Ravi Vaar thus ruled by Ravi or Sun. Kasturi turmeric ubtans rejuvenates the skin wonderfully. Copyright © 2014 - 2021 Circle of Divine Astrology. With the passage of time, scented oils were extracted by pressing, pulverizing or distilling aromatic vegetable and animal produce. Astrology Treatment of Sexual Impotency: 13 People who are mentally weak, timid by nature and frequently attacked by negative thinking, should make use of our empowered “yantra” 14 The person who has become a victim of any type of black magic, enemies might have done or they "might have got it done, he/she should make use of … These are a special blend of Planetary Body Oils. In his works, Varāhamihira came up with Ghandayuktií, a practical art of blending fragrant ingredients to prepare valuable fragrances that are stable for long periods. Lt Bhavana Kasturi will lead a contingent of the India Army Service Corps' and Capt Bhavna Syal, a third-generation officer in the armed forces, will front the transportable satellite terminal's contingent. The fragrance lingered on fusing with the smell of the soil and earth. Strong Jupiter will also incline you towards a joyous disposition, but occasionally that can run into trouble! It is a yogic practice of transcending the human condition. I love to write and I am so pleased to be contributing to the Elsa blog! Continuous application of kasturi turmeric can revive your natural skin tone. Hi all, kasturi turmeric is a family of turmeric and it is very mild in terms of color. Or, use Chandra Rashi alphabets table to search your rising sign. Technically Attar are distillates of flowers, herbs, spices and other natural materials, such as mitti or baked soil over sandalwood oil or liquid paraffin’s, using hydro distillation technique. Scientifically, we now know smell receptors are certainly connected to the limbic system, that is the most primordial and primitive part of human brain. Every human life on this earth has to face the effects of Saturn at least once in life, regardless of loss and gain. He was a contemproary of Swami Desikan … This proves the significance of the Moon in Vedic Astrology and individuals interested in a detailed analysis can use a Moon Sign Calculator on the ClickAstro website. Distance to the two airports is given in bracket. In India (Tamil Nadu) We used to buy them fresh and dry them in sunlight and powder them for daily use. He is also credited for being the first person to discover and record the method of distilling essential oils. So, if you are a Pisces, either a Moon sign or a Sun in Pisces, you possess strong Jupiter qualities and being a water sign, the element of water will be strong. What is the meaning of Kasturi? The planet assigned to the day of the week you are born on will control your day to day energy levels and your wellbeing in a very significant manner. Kasthuri works as quiz master at staged events and on television. Eight black horses pull his chariot. One can attain Meksha through Tantra. The fires are created from wood and cow-dung cakes heating the stills with capacities that can range from 10-160 kilos of floral/herbal materials. Ayurveda, is an ancient system of health and healing through extensive and very specific use of herbs. Their equipment has changed little, if at all. Dinesh.N Nakshatra Nadi. It is a rare piece, used in many Tantrik sadhanas. Following are the nearest airports to Kasturi and Kasturi Railway Station. Archaeological work has revealed around copper stills called degs, used for the distillation process that are at least five-thousand years old! that are warming and uplifting when the joie de vivre runs into trouble. No.1 Top love back Astrologer in Bangalore – Astrology Support. Or use Rashi calculator in Hindi. The Six main chakras of the human body are the Muladhara Chakra (at the base of the spine), Svadhisthana (near the heart) Visoddha (near the throat), and Ajna (between the brows). Kasturi is a very rare , useful and powerful item. Thus Tantriks made contributions beginning with miracles, sorcery and ending with the science of herbs, metallurgy, medicine, Astrology and Astronomy etc. Tantra is a regulated path to bring God, the deities and others under one's control through worship and prayer as it contains various methods of Sadhana and use of materials in specified forms, under set rules and directions. Being one of the best varieties of Sandalwood found in the world, its exquisite aroma is said to heal a lot of spiritual and physical ailments. Some by word of mouth and other knowledge as ‘old wives’ tales’ that have survived for centuries and are now common household remedies. It is believed that those people who possess Gomti Chakra will be … Any Yantra formation or any Pooja stands to be incomplete without proper input of Kasturi in to the same. His Pañcasiddhāntikā is another body of work dealing with lost Astronomical knowledge, as well as Vedanga Jyotisha (which is Vedic Astrology, as we know today). Following the seasons of the flowers, traditional ittar makers, with their degs, travelled all over India to make their fresh attars on-the-spot. Use of Kasturi (Deer Musk) is prized In Ayurveda. All the six centres (Sat-Chakras) are located with the Meru Danda (the vertebral Column) not in the gross (Sthulasharira) but in the subtle body (Linga Shashira). It is used in many Tantra sadhnaas and Upayas. In brief. Kasturi turmeric is a good choice for people who are looking for a reliable product for removing tan. Friday, February 1, 2008 ... Indian astrology and Indian astrologers along with Indian pilgrimage locations have tremendous influence on people in India and worldwide. Rahu rides darkness which is in the form of a chariot. These are called chakras. Their pace and movement appear inimitable. The oil perfume is extracted from the glands of the male musk deer found in the Himalayan regions, has been used for centuries to heal neurological and mental disorders. Other work Television. Even today, the same process exists. anti-bacterial oil blends. Lingam Oil – Men’s Special ‘Scorpio in you’ Oil for the intimate part of men For me, astrology is a way to read the system that composes the natural order of the universe. It can also be mingled with the regular tilak used by us to have smooth life and to overcome obstacles of daily life. Ayurveda is part of Atharveda, which in turn is one of the four Vedas. Tantra contains both subjective and objective science. Tantra is used rid people of their troubles, diseases, worries etc. With Base oils, such as sweet almond, sesame, coconut, jojoba, soybean oil black seed oil and helichrysum italicum (Oil Immortelle) that are very high in their anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties. It is very fortunate to have an original Kasturi. Nakshatra Nadi Astrology is in fact an extension of Hindu Vedic Astrology, on which lot of research work has been done by various sages and Astro scholars from time to time. Kasturi (Deer Musk)-Kasturi is beneficial in waving off the negative waves. in your most intimate area. Tantric Physiology Face reading: This is another ancient astrology technique that analyses a person’s character based on their facial features, for instance, big eyes, long nose, thick eyebrows, etc. Oil for the intimate part of women It’s truly an invasion of olfactory experiences. This force is compared to a snake lying asleep in the body. A seventh Chakra, situated four fingers above the cerebrum, is Sahasrara symbolically represented by the thousand paralled lotus. Its extensive use for centuries by Saints, spiritual aspirants and priests to gain clarity and enlightenment is well-known. Remaining three parts of Veda are the Rigveda, SamaVeda and Yajurveda. A walk down a market street in India, on any typical day, will take you through a myriad of smells of everyday living, ranging from rose petals to sandalwood incense sticks coming from temples or homes to woody, fresh coconut oil to frying of turmeric in kitchens to fresh marigolds. Find name Moon sign predictions online through rising sign calculator In Moon sign astrology, Chandra Rashi or Moon zodiac is the most important factor to determine the predictions of a person about the health, wealth and attitude. Acoording to vedic astrology , Rashi for the name Kasturi is Mithun and Moon sign associated with the name Kasturi is Gemini.. The Attar are traditionally stored in beautifully cut crystal glass bottles called as Itardans. "Kasturi Tilakam" is the 2.108 Slokam of Sri Krishna Karnamrutham, a string of Bhakthi laden poems offered at the sacred feet of the Lord . Traditionally in the Eastern world, it was a customary practice of nobility to offer Attar to their guests at the time of their departure. Yes, definitely astrology would help you take right course provided astrologer view your chart holistically. It has been presented in their own style in their various works for the better understanding of the readers. 14. The name Kasturi has Air element.Mercury is the Ruling Planet for the name Kasturi.The name Kasturi having moon sign as Gemini is represented by The Twins and considered as Mutable .. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Jasmine was a favourite perfume of the Nizams of the Hyderabad Royalty. Planet Saturn is also known as Shanidev or Shanichara. ORDER NOW. Saturn Transit is one of the most important transits of all time and has the utmost importance in the world of astrology. Thursday is Guru Vaar ruled by Guru or Jupiter. Through planned meditative asanas, Kundalini Shakti, the great power within the human body, usually latent, lies awakened. This is the most natural way of ensuring all round health in your most intimate area. One may be Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian or connected with any other religion. Archaeological evidence shows the earliest inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent held plants of all kinds in great reverence. ‘Gandhashastra’, a branch of Ayurveda, is the science of aromas, and deals with cosmetics and fragrances. Tantra is a Sadhana, a method, a technique or a path and is available in all religions. In astrology 4th house rules education, 5th house intelligence and 9th house(5th to 5th house) for higher knowledge. About the Book Kasturi Mrig: The stories included in this collection have a distinct charm and identity of their own. These are quite unique in their approach to health and well-being. Planetary Body Massage Oils :Born on Sunday(Sun) or Monday (Moon). For example, it says that sandalwood is grated on a wet stone and mixed with grounded spices to get a paste. Oils of Rose, Sandalwood and Lavender certainly assist in the process. Having knowledge in the domain of Veda and traditional religious ways, we … Your email address will not be published. The Guru is a preceptor and a guide in the performance of puja and puja practiced and performed by a person who is uninitiated by a Guru becomes ineffective or fruitless. The astrological daily calendar is called daily panchang that is based on the Indian calendar. Thank you All the best!!! Tuesday is Mangal Vaar ruled by Mars or Mangal and Ketu) The asanas aim is to make one aware of one's potential and to realize and experience joy in being one with the cosmos. This tradition of giving a scent to one’s guests in weddings and at festivals and religious ritual ceremonies continues even in current times. These five elements are merged one by one into their sources with the potentials of the energies (Tanmatras) and ultimately ego (Ahan Kara), is dissolved into mahat, the great one. Ghandayuktií describes a method of manufacturing a large number of fragrances utilizing only a few standardized, basic aromatic ingredients and changing their relative proportions in the final fragrance formulation. Tantra cannot be successful without Mantra Siddhi. Thus, began knowledge of distillation and consequently ‘Aromatherapy’, and the Art and Science of perfumes began in Europe! Having Banana with milk in the morning is also a powerful formula to increase power. According to astrology, Rahu’s Mahadasha is believed to be of 18 years. These are known are Five M's or Pancha makaras. He was a scholar, and a scientist. This is not a lubricant. Among Sufi worshippers the use of Attars during meditation circles and dances is quite common. Kaudi (Counch) ... Neelam and Moonga are used in astrology to lessen the effect of planets on the wearer Kundli. Rahu’s Adhidevta is Kaal and Pratyadhi Devta is Sun. such musk from those special deers is used by tirumala balaji temple every friday in their sevas which is a hundred percent indian government organisation. Being natural, highly concentrated and aged anywhere from a year to 10 years, preserving them enhances their value and smell. And it is the birthplace of emotion. Similarly, the Mysore Sandalwood Oil is a perfume oil extracted from ‘Royal tree’ of Sandalwood, found in Mysore region of Karnataka, India. The oil perfume is extracted from the glands of the male musk deer found in the Himalayan regions, has been used for centuries to heal neurological and mental disorders. Essential Oils or Attars were used for thousands of years in the Indian Subcontinent There are references to Essential Oils or Attars by Varāhamihira, in his magnum opus Brihat Samahita. Friday is Shukra Vaar ruled by Shukra or Venus. Palmistry: Popularly known as palm reading, palmistry is a practice that involves analyzing the shape and texture of hands, the formation of lines and markings on the palm along with certain mounts to … Planetary Body Oils 7 Days of the Week. It is believed that nothing should be done during Rahu Kaal. Five articles are used in the worship of Devi these are madya (wine) Mamsa (Meat) Matsya (fish), Mudra (grain) and maithana (Women-literally copulation). Kasturi Austrology. Get address,telephone,email,reviews & direction of Kasturi College of Education In Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Varāhamihira was an Indian Astronomer, Astrologer and Mathematician who lived in the historic city of Ujjain and he was one of the celebrated ‘nine jewels’ in the court of the legendary ruler Yashodharman Vikramaditya of Malwa ca. V. 26 Dec, 2020 . If activated, they hold potential for reaching cosmic planes of existence. Hence, Rahu Kaal is noted before starting any new work. It bestows wealth and comforts. To put it in perspective, if one is ruled by Mars or the element of fire is strong in the birth chart, one can have a fiery temperament. Asana is actually a step by step dissolution of the body into the subtle elements, a process of gradual involution whereby the body is identified with the sense of smell, water with taste, fire with vision, air with touch, ether with sound. They have a powerful influence on not just our wellbeing on an outre level but on a much deeper internal one. Vedanta or Vedas are the oldest canonical works hailing from ancient India. This is the oil after a shower or bath, to care for the most intimate part of you. Some of the wisdom has been passed down from close family and friends, just by having grown up in India. Tantra and Mantras are interconnected. You certainly want to appease and keep this planet happy! Essential oils of soothing Lavender, refreshing bitter orange, therapeutic rosemary, deep niaouli, nourishing myrrh, antibacterial tea-tree, Indian sandalwood, vetiver, juniper and sage. musk and gorochan is collected separately from different species of deers and not all. Gemology: This is a branch of astrology that is based on the belief that wearing certain precious gemstones can bring good luck and wealth in a person’s life. In yogic practice, discipline of breathing is absolutely essential. In Hindu shastras it is laid down that neither a visit to a place of pilgrimage nor the practice of meditation and observance of ritualistic vows by a person becomes successful unless initiated by a Guru. Some of the first lovers of Attars were the Muslim invaders of India. 575 CE. He wrote extensively on the properties of 800 plants and their effects on the human body. His methods are still in use. “Kasturi (a substance collected from the navel of deer) is used for the facial of the presiding sibling Deities of word famous Jagannath Temple during Rath Yatra. This is for the exclusive use of the most private parts of your body. 100 % Pure Natural Simple, Essential Oil Blends for Face, Neck and Hands Giving you Emotional Well-being & Nourishing the skin according to your birth sign. These are known as Vayus (Vital Aris) which are important to the Tantric practitioner. This is the reason why it is also know as "Naag-Chakra" i.e. Gillybean on Today’s New Moon in Capricorn: January 12, 2021 – Effects By House The author of Sri Krishna Karnamrutham is Bilva Mangalar (AD 1220-1300). The paste obtained is further crushed along with fragrant flowers and leaves and mixed well with oil. It follows that this needs ‘soothing’ and ‘cooling’ from time to time. Tantra must be used for constructive reasons and should not be used for nefarious purposes. Reply by Dinesh.N. That’s when Oils like Melissa, which is the signature oil for Pisces, will uplift it. Nearest Airports to Kasturi Railway Station . This is the oil after a shower or bath, to care for the most intimate part of you. Hence the problems faced in the West by perfume lovers are irrelevant to most in the East. Yoni Oil – Women’s Special ‘Scorpio in you’ Saturday is Shani Vaar ruled by Shani or Shukra. Legend has it that the perfume city of Kannauj, got its reputation for being the Attar capital, because for centuries hermits, ascetics would burn scented wood to facilitate their meditations and rituals. Prana, the life force, or vital air, enters the human entity through these psychic centres and nadis getting diffused throughout according to different functions. If you use white onion daily with meal it will increase the power of your sexual organs. All Rights Reserved. She had taken an early interest during childhood in participating in quiz events, and later continued making competitive appearances, and notably appeared as a contestant on BBC's Mastermind India in 2000. Introduction | Astrologer | Horoscope | Problem Using in depth knowledge of Astrology, Planets and their influences on the human psyche, combined with the nature of Essential Oils and the basic principles of Aromatherapy, Circle of Divine Essences began in 2014. One may have faith in any religion. Further expansions by Muslim invaders to Southern Europe all the way to Spain, were responsible for passing on knowledge of herbal medicines that they learned in the East, throughout Western Europe. Your email address will not be published. Long before the mind can identify and cognitively ‘name’ a smell, the emotional responses are already triggered by the human brain. In India, traditionally its used in practically everything, from religious rites to cosmetics and soaps. kasturi: what krishnanji said is true that the gland from deer contains this natural fragrance. Asanas, the science of psychoyogic poses, are based upon a concept of the universe and of man's role in it. Combined with other Jupiter oils like Spikenard, Hyssop, Marjoram etc. Tantra itself is unique for being a synthesis of bhoga and yoga, enjoyment and liberation. Meaning of Hindu Girl name Kasturi is Smelling of Musk. The influence of the Moon on an individual’s horoscope varies based on its exact position in the astrological chart. Time, scented Oils were extracted by pressing, pulverizing or distilling aromatic vegetable and animal produce, are upon... For example, it says that sandalwood is grated on a wet stone and mixed with grounded to... Plant extracts and herbs are matched to one ’ s when Oils like,! 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