is cosmarium a desmid

Significant features within the river corridor include mesic deciduous bottomland forests, limestone and dolomite cliffs, and influent and effluent caves. Common genera of mayflies include Isonychia, Baetis, Heptagenia, Centroptilum, Stenonema, Caenis, Ephemerella, and Ephoron. Ulothrix. So far, two putatively endemic desmids have been described from Roraima: E. macrocephalum (Förster, 1963) and the new genus and species V. roraimae (Fučíková and Kaštovský, 2009). Diagram of periphyton physiognomy with diatoms (left) and a filamentous green alga (extreme right). Figure 24. Several factors cause this: removal of snags by canoe rental agencies and government employees, rapid decay of wood in this area, and removal to the floodplains by large floods. Eremosphaera being a big, nonmotile chlorococcalean species, can sustain abundant populations only in the season with a deep mixing. The nucleus is positioned in the isthmus between the chloroplasts. Jan Kaštovský, ... Teresa Vegas-Vilarrúbia, in Biodiversity of Pantepui, 2019. In this way, genetic engineering can provide a platform for manipulation of a bacterial genome, which can adapt and enhance the bioremediation efficiency to levels not usually achieved by normal bacteria. It lacks distinctive features similar to those defining other genera and it is often based on negative characters. Desmids from Karnataka State and Goa Part III Genus Cosmarium Corda. Although it does not appear to be grazed by terrestrial or aquatic herbivores, it is ecologically significant in other ways. Nova Hedwigia, 36 : 733 - 757 * Bicudo, C. E. M. 1969. (2016). (2011) isolated microalgal strains from various wastewater treatment sites and found that five strains (of the genera Chlorella, Hindakia, Scenedesmus, and Auxenochlorella) had higher biomass and lipid productivity in addition to wastewater treatment. The desmid flora of Serbia has been surveyed during various periods. Information on benthic macroinvertebrates is limited, but data (to order or family) are available from 13 lotic sites in August (Childers and Kernodle 1981). Placoderm desmids are in the suborder Closteriinae, comprising Closterium, Gonatozygon and Penium, and in the suborder Desmidiinae, Actinotaenium, Cosmarium, Cosmocladium, Euastrum, Micrasterias, Staurastrum, Staurodesmus, and Xanthidium. Figure 65. Figure 38. Colonies often have a broad mucilaginous envelope secreted through scattered cell wall pores on all cells of the colony. Several microalgal species such as Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Desmodesmus, Neochloris, Chlamydomonas, Nitzschia, and Cosmarium have been applied to various types of wastewater treatments coupled with biofuel production under sterilized or nonsterilized conditions. These expeditions generally provide qualitative data (e.g., taxa lists) from short-term visits (usually in summer). Hyalotheca. Stoneflies (Chloroperlidae, Nemouridae, Perlodidae) likewise occurred sporadically, nearly always at low abundance. C. granatum is a rather small to moderately large-sized species belonging to the group of smooth-walled Cosmaria. Nitzschia colony. Its main characteristic is the outline of the semicells, viz. 1977). Figure 27. Ankjud: Ankyra judayi; Botbra: Botryococcus braunii; Chlo sp. Φ is a species-specific form resistance factor by which the sinking velocity of the alga differs from that of a sphere of identical volume and density. Figure 51. ), on the other hand, possess a wall composed of two closely but slightly overlapping sections which fit together in the midregion of the cell where, in most genera, it is more or less deeply constricted. The Gasconade River is part of the Central Prairie freshwater ecoregion (Abell et al. Closterium is a common desmid in most freshwater habitats. In particular, the corner C is occupied by the more invasive species, i.e., those investing in rapid growth; around the corner S, the more acquisitive species, i.e., those investing in resource conservation, are displaced; the corner R receives the more acclimating species, i.e., those investing in efficient light conversion. Gomphonema: a. G. acuminatum, b. G. parvulum. A memorable essay describing subsistence gill-net fishing on the Kobuk River, just south of the Noatak River, can be found in Jans (1993). The fish fauna of the Noatak River is dominated by the family Salmonidae, including whitefish, grayling, trout, and salmon. Technological advancements and high-throughput sequencing methods will certainly help in future studies, but the ideal would be a combined approach employing a terrain morphological study, live isolated cultures, targeted DNA sequencing, and environmental metagenomics. Or in other words, Desmid, (order Desmidiales), order of single-celled (sometimes filamentous or colonial) microscopic green algae. Cosmarium anceps var. 2000) and is characterized by a rich and diverse flora and fauna. This ordination well approximates the results obtained by dividing the algae according to their morphological descriptors. Among the many varieties that have been described there are several ones that may be confused with similarly looking species. Green algal assemblages, both benthic and planktic, well integrate physical, chemical, and biological parameters of freshwater ecosystems. The rhizomes and roots stabilize substrates. The Noatak River belongs in the Yukon ecoregion, the largest freshwater ecoregion in North America, incorporating most of Alaska and the Yukon Territory (Abell et al. In addition, the crystal darter is identified as globally vulnerable to extinction (G3) ( 2002). Nonetheless, the general dominance of the benthic fauna by true flies (especially chironomid midges), dominance by mayflies of the families Baetidae and Heptageniidae, and sparse representation of caddisflies is consistent with northwestern Alaska in particular and Alaska in general (Oswood 1989). Nannochloropsis gaditana efficiently removes N and P, being useful for wastewater treatment (Ledda et al., 2015). Many algal species from tepuis differ from known taxa only in small morphological details or in size, and the taxonomic importance of such details cannot be verified without additional analyses such as DNA sequencing (e.g., cyanobacteria or green coccal algae) or electron microscopy (e.g., a large amount of diatom species or Synura). Chlorophyte algae included Gleocystis, Mougeotia, and the desmids Cosmarium and Staurastrum. Desmids are freshwater, unicellular green algae that have a symmetrical appearance. Common aquatic mammals along the river corridor include river otter, beaver, mink, and muskrat. Figure 55. Each connecting strand is made up of two overlapping parts, one that originates from the pore group on one cell and the other from a similar pore group on the adjacent cell of the colony (Gerrath, 1970). Gyrosigma. Meridion colony. Standing crop biomass of all benthic macroinvertebrates is generally low, but to our knowledge no estimates of invertebrate secondary production have been performed in the BNR. Tabellaria. (desmid) near a Sphagnum sp. Grazing fishes (central and largescale stonerollers) are also numerous, but most fishes are invertivorous (darters and small cyprinids) or piscivorous (bass). Each semicell contains a green chloroplast with pyrenoids. Euastrum arciferum var. B. Cosmarium is a unicellular desmid which consists of two round semicells separated by a constriction. Morphological diversity in the genus Pediastrum. Nonbiting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) were found at every site and were a substantial portion of the fauna, averaging 33% of organisms collected (numerical abundance). Diatom frustule in a. valve view and b. girdle view. Sampling from various locations in the basin has yielded 52 families of aquatic insects. Young (1974) notes that aquatic vegetation is not well represented, even in small slow-moving streams, but that a few kinds, particularly northern bur-reed and Pallas' buttercup, are often abundant. There is one chloroplast per semicell and it contains a central pyrenoid. In biodegradation, biologically mediated breakdown of organic compounds occurs; if complete biodegradation occurs, the process is called mineralization. Still, compared to animals and vascular plants, we still know very little about desmid and diatom diversity and distribution in the New World. In particular, the smallest green algae, forming in large part the so-called eukaryotic picoplankton, have dimensions of less than 2 μm and a spherical or elliptic shape. Moreover, very dynamic environments support a large diversity of different sizes and shapes of species either present in the assemblages or as propagules ‘ready to develop’ as the environmental template changes. The species list in Tables 5.1–5.4, however, might suggest a different conclusion. Figure 67. See more ideas about microscopic, diatom, macro and micro. The size spectrum covered by the different species of planktic green algae is comparable to that occurring between the trees of a forest and the grasses growing at their foot. Cocconeis: a. raphe-valve and b. rapheless-valve. Beetles include Dubiraphia, Psephenus, and Stenelmis. Notice pyramidate outline of the semicells and truncate apices.  Zygospores are globose and furnished with a number of short, blunt spines arising from a pyramidate base. This golden alga is usually found in estuaries, but it now has been found in numerous inland water bodies throughout Texas. Cymatopleura. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Thus, grouping the planktic green algae, as well as other phytoplankton, on the basis of these selected morphological traits allows to distinguish among habitats with a different accessibility to light and nutrient resources. ABSTRACT - Polymorphism in a population of the desmid (Zygnemaphyceae) Cosmarium abbreviatum Raciborski var. The Gasconade River is one of the few free-flowing rivers in the conterminous United States (Benke 1990) and the only free-flowing major tributary to the Missouri from the Ozark Highlands. The attention paid by plankton ecologists to the size and shapes of these algae has its origin in the need to categorize them not only on the basis of their phylogenetics, still subject to massive reappraisal, but also on the functional basis of their roles in aquatic ecosystems. Protection and management of self-sustaining populations of introduced rainbow trout occur here. Unlike Europe, which has an extensive suite of published algal floras (e.g., the multivolume compendium Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa), comprehensive taxonomic literature for the Neotropics is lacking. Basicladia. Pinnularia. In another study, Zhou et al. Cymbella. It is this latter, larger family which gives the desmids their name, from the Greek word "desmos" meaning "bond". Surirella. : Chlorella sp. In Methods in Stream Ecology (Second Edition), 2007. SEM picture of a zygospore of C. granatum. Such methods are difficult to implement in inaccessible locations such as the tepuis, and transporting live material into laboratories has its own problems. Abundant odonates include Argia, Erpetogomphus, and Gomphus. Cosmarium botrytis Desmidiales, commonly called Desmids (Gr. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Chaetophora. It has been observed that algae forming a single functional group also have similar morphologies, as quantified by the dimensions of the algal ‘units’ (cells or colonies, as appropriate, together with any peripheral mucilage): surface area (s), volume (v), and maximal linear dimension (m) are powerful predictors of optimum dynamic performance. or cf. It lacks the isthmus of the general description above but has at the extreme ends of each semi-cell a small spherical vacuole in which varying numbers of tiny particles can be seen in constant agitated motion. Diatoms are the major algae, with various species of Cymbella, Achnanthes, Navicula, Coconeis, and Nitschia most abundant. Figure 7. Martyana. However, water mites (Acarina) were ubiquitous and generally major elements of the fauna. are an important invertebrate in the Buffalo, as they are in other Ozark streams (Rabeni et al. The bluestripe darter is endemic to the Gasconade and nearby Osage River basins and is globally listed as imperiled (G2). Mayflies are the most abundant and diverse insect taxon throughout the length of the Buffalo. Figure 53. Although the Noatak Valley is home to the full range of the Alaskan megafauna—grizzly bear, wolf, caribou, moose, wolverine—truly lotic vertebrates (other than fishes) appear to be very limited. Coldwater sections of several tributaries below springs are designated as Wild Trout Management Areas. The last coenobium is stained with Lugol's iodine solution. In other groups, the situation is similar. Cylindrocystis; Mesotaenium; Netrium The Noatak drainage lies within the known ranges of two other whitefishes, broad whitefish and Bering cisco. Microspora. Stream-dwelling salamanders include the state-imperiled Ozark hellbender (S1), mudpuppy, and western lesser siren. In the Netherlands, C. granatum is a rather common species in various slightly acidic to slightly alkaline water bodies. All major groups of amphibians and reptiles are well represented in the basin: frogs and toads (13 species), salamanders (11), turtles (12), lizards (6), and snakes (29). Accounts of their activities as well as many articles can be found on their website at On the basis of the mechanism of degradation of textile dyes, the degradation method can be further divided into biosorption and biodegradation (Kaushik & Malik, 2009). This may be regarded as an attempt performed by a population to counteract adverse environmental conditions or, more correctly, as a mechanism that tend to select those specimens bearing morphological characteristics that best fit the environmental template. Table 1. Diploneis. Possum Kingdom Lake on the Brazos was especially affected in 2000 and 2001, with thousands of fishes killed. Cosmarium orthostichum - Digital Image Collection of Desmids. Thus it is possible, more so than in other algal groups, to assess which species occur solely on tepuis in contrast to those occurring across the region or throughout the continent. Figure 6. Hannaea. Figure 48. Home About New Bibliography Samples Stats Switch to list view. The most abundant cyprinids are the duskystripe shiner, telescope shiner, rosyface shiner, and central and largescale stonerollers. There is one chloroplast per semicell and it contains a central pyrenoid. Three (possibly five) whitefishes are found in running waters of the Noatak drainage: humpback whitefish, round whitefish, and least cisco. Moreover, it may maintain a reducing microenvironment around the cells. River otters are present but not abundant. The river is popular for shoreline and float angling, sightseeing and nature study, boating, camping, and swimming. Nitzschia. Macroscopic “plant-like” green algae: a. Chara, b. Nitella. Vaucheria, a siphonaceous green Chrysophyte. Digital Image Collection of Desmids. A faster sinking due to the lower density is counteracted by the hydrodynamic properties of such tropical lake where water column overturn takes place daily. Preliminary unpublished data from Akopán-tepui suggest additional desmid taxa to be described, including a new Vincularia-like alga and a yet-unidentified Euastrum (Fig. In several cases, a formal circumscription would require more material than is available—the organism may be rare at the sampled localities, or the material is in poor condition and resampling is not possible. Additionally, remoteness decreased species number, and this fact could lead to an expectation of greater endemism on tepuis. have been performed. A typical assemblage is generally constituted by one or a few dominating and codominating species and a procession of subdominating and rare species which, in some cases, can comprise several tens of taxonomic units. Thus, the variety of shapes exhibited by green algae represents an evolutionary compromise directed both to an increased grazing resistance and to an optimization of sinking velocity. Figure 16. Cosmarium Corda ex Ralfs. The genus is widespread, but rarely collected, in acidic, oligotrophic, aquatic habitats in Europe and North America; isolated records exist from Asia and New Zealand. (1986) collected epilithic periphyton samples from the Avan River, a tributary of the Noatak River. Scrapers and collectors are the most abundant functional feeding groups. ; Cloaci: Closterium aciculare; Dic: Dictyospaherium sp. The ecological limitations of high-latitude running waters—low food supply, severe hydrothermal regime (Oswood 1997), and barriers to dispersal—constitute a selective “filter” (Poff 1997), so that the fish fauna of Alaska in general and northern Alaska in particular is a highly selective subset of the North American fish fauna (Oswood et al. Encyonema colony. leaf Figure 22. The adaptive strategies shown by planktic green algae act on multiple levels. In general, Ozark Highlands streams are remarkable for the diversity and uniqueness of their crayfishes (Abell et al. In such cases, the conclusion of a tepui-restricted distribution would be erroneous. If we follow the theory of moderate endemism, which in contrast to ubiquity theories allows for approximately one third of microbe species to have restricted distributions (Foissner, 2006, 2008), we should expect a high level of endemism in the microbial realm too. Flashy hydrology and lack of retention result in most litterfall being flushed out of the stream channel to the floodplains. Nitzschia. From Greek cosmarion, "small ornament". 5.3L and M). No ecosystem studies have been conducted on the Noatak River; however, processes are likely to be similar to those described for the Kuparuk River. Although the reasons of mucilage production are still not completely understood, it is apparent that the thickness of this mucilaginous investment is itself variable and responsive to environment. The BNR is probably the least disturbed major tributary within the Ozark Highlands freshwater ecoregion (Abell et al. Aquatic macrophytes appear to be sparse in the running waters of the Noatak Valley, confined to slow-moving streams in lowland areas. Cosmarium bromelicola s. o., a ew desmid secies rom Brail the four months’ period in which the samples were collected. Fish growth in the Gasconade River is generally higher than average for Missouri streams (Funk 1975). PCC7942) were assessed for degradation of three textile dyes (indigo, RBBR, and sulfur black) (Dellamatrice et al., 2017). Marek Miś - Cosmarium sp. Actually, planktic green algae are generally denser than water and have the tendency to sink downwards. Stephanodiscus. Assuming that morphology is a good indicator of species identity, most of the desmids found on tepuis are widely distributed and previously reported from South America (e.g., Araújo et al., 2010; Bicudo and Samanez, 1984; Croasdale et al., 1983; Croasdale and Flint, 1986; Diaz-Olarte and Duque, 2009; Förster, 1963, 1964, 1974; Gonzalez-Gonzalez and Mora-Osejo, 1996; Krieger, 1950; Lenzenweger, 1999; Prescott et al., 1972, 1975, 1977, 1981, 1983; Ramirez et al., 1998). The first data on the distribution of desmids in Serbia date back to 1883 and from then on until 2009 altogether 630 different taxa were identified. Figure 11. Similarly, Kaštovský et al. Common examples are those offered by green algae typically forming colonies or coenobia (e.g., Scenedesmus, Coelastrum, Dictyosphaerium, Micractinium) that under high nutrient availability and low grazing pressure start growing as unicells till forming dense populations of ‘small green balls’ that may create problems in their correct taxonomic identification. Thus, the final effect can be seen as an increase in size performed by this species to minimize grazing pressure. In biosorption, microbial biomass (product of industrial fermentations) can be used as a biosorbent. Other environmental constraints, as grazing pressure, may produce morphological responses: an example can be spine formation in Scenedesmus after exposition to infochemicals released by daphnids. Four taxa (Actinotaenium riethii, Closterium pseudocostatum, Cosmarium discrepans and C. hostensiense) are newly described and the name of one taxon (Cosmarium lenzenwegeri) is recombined. Synedra. From perusal of invertebrate species abundances, very few shredders are present and grazers are most abundant. Amphora: a. girdle view and b. valve view. When the headwater pools cease to flow and become isolated, resulting in lentic habitats during summer and fall, two meiofauna species, Bosmina longirostris and Keratella cochlearis, rapidly proliferate. Northern Ozark streams appear to be primarily nitrogen limited based on nutrient enrichment studies conducted during low flow periods (Lohman et al. The anadromous Alabama shad is a candidate for federal listing, and the Gasconade is one of the few Mississippi basin rivers where it still spawns. They thus could provide a powerful monitoring tool, once the processes governing their relative importance are fully understood. During wet season, larger specimens are gradually selected by copepods' grazing pressure on smaller ones. Desmidium from a. front and b. back views. Water willow is the dominant vascular plant at the water's edge on gravel bars. Notice in this cell also an abrupt transition at the lateral sides between the slightly divergent basal parts and the strongly converging polar parts. Large stands of giant river cane dominate the herb layer in some places. Water willow is an abundant aquatic macrophyte in the Buffalo River. C. regnellii is a small-sized, smooth-walled Cosmarium species. Figure 49. Figure 23. Aphanochaete. Wood ducks, belted kingfishers, green herons, and great blue herons are common along the river, and ospreys and bald eagles are occasionally observed during migration. Ten Gasconade basin fishes are of conservation concern in Missouri (S1–S3), including the southern cavefish. Images Mesotaeniaceae. Size and harvest of rock bass and smallmouth bass are controlled in several special management areas to provide a high-quality angling experience. Plankton are rare in the Buffalo, but include Pediastrum, Staurastrum, Ceratium, Stephanodiscus, and Pandorina. Northern water snakes are abundant, and map turtle, red-eared slider, and western painted turtle are often seen basking on logs. The marine microalga, Nannochloropsis gaditana, is useful in treating centrate (concentrated municipal wastewater generated during sludge centrifuge) along with biomass production for lipid yield. For example, for Mougeotia sp. In decreasing order of abundance the crayfishes are spothanded crayfish, golden crayfish, digger crayfish, devil crayfish, and the Salem cave crayfish. Figure 68. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. The cells are united into colonies by connecting strands secreted by special groups located near the base of the semicell. The desmid genus Cosmarium, with the apt species name reniforme, the semi-cells are obviously kidney shaped in face view as they are usually seen. Arctic grayling are common throughout the drainage. Figure 31. (2014), Shallow, enriched lakes, ponds and rivers, Shallow mixed layers in enriched conditions. Crayfish species (Orconectes spp.) Brachysira. 2000). Navicula colony. Cladophora. Grouping green algae according to their ecological performance is the first step to attempt a functional classification of these organisms. Notice short, blunt spines arising from a pyramidate base. The physical structure of the plants, which occur in dense stands, provide preferred habitat for many macroinvertebrate and fish taxa, both predators and prey. Needed, which were never observed in the basin has yielded 52 families of insects. 105 species ), mudpuppy, and 5 other cyanobacterial taxa are impossible to classify even to the Gasconade,. ’ period in which the samples were collected from Lake Wakawaka with about species! At their base, then they abruptly converge towards the apex conclusion of a tepui-restricted distribution would erroneous. 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