classification of periodontal surgery
Effectiveness of scaling and root planing with and without adjunct probiotic therapy in the treatment of chronic periodontitis among shamma users and non‐users: A randomized controlled trial. Log in Sign up. (1) Schluger stated that although conservative treatment is feasible and preferable in comparison to surgery, this conservative … Prevotella intermedia and periodontitis are associated with severe asthma. The stages, consisting of Stage I-IV are below for review. Thomas Dietrich, Petra Zunker, Dieter Dietrich, Jean-Pierre Bernimoulin, Periapical and periodontal healing after osseous grafting and guided tissue regeneration treatment of apicomarginal defects in periradicular surgery: Results after 12 months, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 10.1067/moe.2003.39, 95, 4, (474-482), (2003). Efficacy of Curcumin Gel on Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, IL-1β, and TNF-α in Chronic Periodontitis Patients. One to 3 days after flap surgery,the space between the flap and the tooth or bone is thinner, and epithelial cells migrate over the border of the flap One week after surgery‐The blood clot is replaced by granulation tissue derived from the gingival connective tissue, the bone marrow, and the periodontal … Sources of Funding: The workshop was planned and conducted jointly by the American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology with financial support from the American Academy of Periodontology Foundation, Colgate, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc., Geistlich Biomaterials, SUNSTAR, and Procter & Gamble Professional Oral Health. Planning for the conference, which was held in Chicago on November 9 to 11, 2017, began in early 2015. Further evidence on the relationship between abdominal aortic aneurysm and periodontitis: A cross‐sectional study. PMID: 2673310 DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4806888 Abstract This paper describes and illustrates the use of the blanket or continuous hem loop suture for periodontal flap surgery. Prevalence of periodontitis. antibiotic regimens to treat aggressive periodontitis. Examine your mouth to look for plaque and tartar buildup and check for easy bleeding. A dual‐strain Lactobacilli reuteri probiotic improves the treatment of residual pockets: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Many arguments are now pointing to a functional periodontal classification. Netrin‐1 and its receptor Unc5b as markers of periodontal disease. Periodontics: Medicine, Surgery and Implants. © Today's Digital Media, LLC d/b/a Today's RDH, New AAP Periodontal Classification Guidelines, Periodontal Maintenance: Taking the Guesswork out of the 4910, Top 10 Essentials for Every Hygienists’ Toolkit, When the original classification of marginal tissue recession was published, the emphasis in periodontics was on the treatment of disease and not esthetics. Do patients with aggressive and chronic periodontitis exhibit specific differences in the subgingival microbial composition? Better oral hygiene is associated with lower risk of stroke. Long-term antibacterial activity of a composite coating on titanium for dental implant application. Thomas Dietrich, Petra Zunker, Dieter Dietrich, Jean-Pierre Bernimoulin, Periapical and periodontal healing after osseous grafting and guided tissue regeneration treatment of apicomarginal defects in periradicular surgery: Results after 12 months, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 10.1067/moe.2003.39, 95, 4, (474-482), (2003). Interdental cleaning and periodontal pocketing among finnish adults. International Journal of Energy Research. Strategic Pore Architecture for Accommodating Volume Change from High Si Content in Lithium‐Ion Battery Anodes. air date: APR 13 94 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: An effort was made to review all aspects of peri‐implant health, diseases, and relevant aspects of implant site conditions and deformities to achieve a consensus for this classification that could be accepted worldwide. 2 The concept of periodontal plastic surgery had just been introduced and periodontics was entering a new era. A randomized‐controlled crossover study. The bone density studied through the fractal dimension in patients with periodontal disease. Unique etiologic, demographic, and pathologic characteristics of localized aggressive periodontitis support classification as a distinct subcategory of periodontitis. There are, however, common systemic diseases, such as uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, with variable effects that modify the course of periodontitis. 3,4 Mucogingival therapy is a broader term that includes nonsurgical procedures such as papilla reconstruction by means of orthodontic or restorative therapy. Classifications of gingival recession. A classification scheme for periodontal and peri‐implant diseases and conditions is necessary for clinicians to properly diagnose and treat patients as well as for scientists to investigate etiology, pathogenesis, natural history, and treatment of the diseases and conditions. Periodontal plastic surgery … For mild to moderate periodontitis, the focus will be on clinical attachment loss (CAL). A systems thinking perspective on the barriers to treatment access for people with eating disorders. Local delivery therapies as adjuvants to non-surgical periodontal treatment of periodontitis grade C: a systematic review. When the original classification of marginal tissue recession was published, the emphasis in periodontics was on the treatment of disease and not esthetics.1 Non-disease surgery was referred to as mucogingival surgery.2 The concept of periodontal plastic surgery had just been introduced and periodontics was entering a new era.3 The focus of mucogingival surgery was to produce a functional result, while the emphasis of periodo… All manuscripts were fully peer reviewed. The term biologic width was replaced by supracrestal attached tissues.21 Clinical procedures involved in the fabrication of indirect restorations was added because of new data indicating that these procedures may cause recession and loss of clinical attachment (Table 4).25, A new classification for peri‐implant health,27 peri‐implant mucositis28 and peri‐implantitis29 was developed by the workshop (Table 5). Co‐edited by Kenneth S. Kornman and Maurizio S. Tonetti. Dr. Amanda B. Longo is the Chief Innovation Officer and Director of Strategy of a private periodontal surgery clinic in Fonthill, ON. SEE ALSO: Periodontal Maintenance: Taking the Guesswork out of the 4910, DON’T MISS: Top 10 Essentials for Every Hygienists’ Toolkit. These … Ann Periodontol 1999;4:1‐6. UPDATE ON CLASSIFICATION. Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of host‐derived salivary biomarkers in periodontal disease amongst adults: Systematic review. Gravity. 9 The 1996 workshop participants determined that there was insufficient new evidence to change the classification. 1 A classification system is simply a method for comparing treatment approaches and likely results. Reviewers and workgroups were also asked to establish pertinent case definitions and to provide diagnostic criteria to aid clinicians in the use of the new classification. The cost of periodontal surgery varies greatly depending on the type of procedure and the severity of your disease. Controlled saturation magnetization transfer for reproducible multivendor variable flip angle T1 and T2 mapping. It is not possible to define a range of probing depths compatible with peri‐implant health.26, 30. Part 1: history and examination at reassessment. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2 This system was widely used among practitioners although a gingival disease component was missing and there was an overlap of disease categories. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. VIDEO: Radiograph Techniques to Get the Perfect Shot. Clinical importance of neuregulin‐4 and its receptor ErbB4 in periodontal disease pathogenesis. Repeated delivery of chlorhexidine chips for the treatment of periimplantitis: A multicenter, randomized, comparative clinical trial. QUIZ: How Much Do You Know about Polishing? These include techniques to repair and regenerate soft (gingival) [Figure 1 and 2] and hard (bony) tissues and replacement of missing teeth with dental implants. Show abstract. Start studying Periodontal: Classifications of Periodontal Diseases. A new classification scheme for periodontal … Tonetti, M. S. (2018). Special Issue: Proceedings of the World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri‐Implant Diseases and Conditions. Abstract This paper describes: (1) a system for classification and treatment of furcation involvements, and (2) a 5‐year post‐operative evaluation of 100 patients treated for periodontal breakdown in the bi/tri‐furction areas. Additional disclosures can be found in each of the four consensus reports published in these proceedings. Although the intent of the workshop was to base classification on the strongest available scientific evidence, lower level evidence and expert opinion were inevitably used whenever sufficient research data were unavailable. The American Academy of Periodontology has recently published changes in the classification system for periodontal diseases These changes are from the 1999 International Workshop for a Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions. A systematic review. 4. Peri‐implantitis, in the absence of treatment, seems to progress in a non‐linear and accelerating pattern.29, Normal healing following tooth loss leads to diminished dimensions of the alveolar process/ridge that result in both hard and soft tissue deficiencies. It agreed that bleeding on probing should be the primary parameter to set thresholds for gingivitis.2, 5 The workshop also characterized periodontal health and gingival inflammation in a reduced periodontium after completion of successful treatment of a patient with periodontitis. Search. prevalence, sex ratio and racial predilection of aggressive periodontitis. Write. Respective Effects of Oral Hygiene Instructions and Periodontal Nonsurgical Treatment (Debridement) on Clinical Parameters and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures with Respect to Smoking. • For bone exposure after reflection, the flaps are classified as either full-thickness (mucoperiosteal) or partial-thickness (mucosal) flaps 5. Palmoplantar keratoderma, oral involvement, and homozygous CTSC mutation in two brothers from Cambodia. 1 In addition, an analysis of the rationale is provided for each of the modifications and changes. Classified based on: Bone exposure after flap reflection • Full thickness (mucoperiosteal) ... • Currently, it is the most commonly performed type of periodontal surgery. Conflicts of Interest. New and exciting things were happening at this past EuroPerio9 held in Amsterdam from June 20th-23rd, 2018. Severe or very severe periodontitis will be considered Stage III or Stage IV. Melatonin levels in periodontitis vs. the healthy state: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Cold agglutinin disease and its implications for dental treatment. Not only does she love learning, but she also loves to educate others. Exploring the putative interactions between chronic kidney disease and chronic periodontitis. A new classification of periodontal diseases is offered, based upon etiological, anatomical, and pathological grounds. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of … Diagnosis and classification of periodontal diseases. Classification of periodontal flaps: Historically, flap surgeries have been classified by various authors. 1966 Mar-Apr;4(2):80-9. In 1989, a classification system was proposed that included five types of periodontitis: adult periodontitis, early onset periodontitis, periodontitis associated with systemic disease, necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis, and refractory periodontitis. International Journal of Eating Disorders. This was a long time coming as both the American Academy of Periodontology and European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) have been working on this for quite some time. • In a full-thickness flap, … Clinical application of the new classification of periodontal diseases: Ground rules, clarifications and “gray zones”. We can conclude that guided periodontal surgery for the treatment of a gummy smile using piezoelectric digital planning favors postoperative results, making treatment more predictable and consistent with patient expectations. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology. In … Prevalence and Associated Factors of Self-Reported Gingival Bleeding: A Multicenter Study in France. Periodontal Therapy of the Future—Many Challenges and Opportunities. Periodontal flaps can be classified as follows, A. !e aim, as determined by the joint European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) management committee, was to adopt a reductionist model in order to create a system that could be implemented in general dental practice, the environment where over 95% of periodontal … Complex etiology in periodontitis MICROBES GENETICS HOST FACTORS. Current concepts and future trends for periodontal disease and periodontal therapy, Part 2: Classification, diagnosis, and nonsurgical and surgical therapy. A workshop titled the World Workshop occurred in November 2017.1 This World Workshop consisted of expert participants, along with the AAP and EFP, as they were tasked with reviewing multiple publications, including review papers and consensus reports that led to the new guidelines.1. • It differs from the modified Widman flap in that the soft tissue pocket wall is removed with the initial incision; thus it may be considered an internal bevel gingivectomy. A summary paper of the workshop by Sarah has clinical experience in both the private and public health sectors. As a review, the periodontal classifications were revised in 1999 and classified as chronic, aggressive (localized and generalized), necrotizing, and a manifestation of systemic disease. The association of Tumor Necrosis factor alpha, Lymphotoxin alpha, Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 and Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 2 gene polymorphisms and serum levels with periodontitis and type 2 diabetes in Serbian population. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. Such a classification, as suggested here, could contribute to a better understanding of periodontitis pathogenesis, in order to prevent and combat this disease and its impacts on general health. COVID-19 Vaccine: Will Vaccinations Be Mandatory for Dental Professionals? Learn. The 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions was co-presented by the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). air date: APR 13 94 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: The Journal of the American Dental Association. Periodontal surgery Implant surgery Dollars and sense: Saving teeth vs placing implants, Scott Froum. 2 Department of Medicinal Chemistry, MNR College of Pharmacy, India *Corresponding Author: Vahini Pravalika K Masters in Pharmacology Vivekananda College of Pharmacy Since the 1999 workshop, substantial new information has emerged from population studies, basic science investigations, and the evidence from prospective studies evaluating environmental and systemic risk factors. Sarah Ostrander, RDH, MS, is a Clinical Educator in Global Curriculum Development. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a set of inflammatory conditions affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. To fully understand the “Three Steps to Staging and Grading a Patient”, four stages were developed to differentiate between severity, complexity and extent, and distribution of periodontitis. 1 Department of Pharmacology, Vivekananda College of Pharmacy, India. This paper presents an abbreviated overview of the outcome of the consensus workshop, and the reader is encouraged to review the entire publication to receive comprehensive information about the rationale, criteria and implementation of the new classifications. Functional haplotype in the Interleukin8 (CXCL8) gene is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and Periodontitis in Brazilian population. Peri‐implant health can exist around implants with normal or reduced bone support. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby; 2004:20–31. Early pregnancy levels of gingival crevicular fluid matrix metalloproteinases‐8 and −9 are associated with the severity of periodontitis and the development of gestational diabetes mellitus. Orig. Kramer GM, Kohn JD. It is suggested that this may be a particularly suitable suture for … •Prevalence of periodontal disease •Update on periodontal diagnosis •To save or extract teeth •Non surgical management •Surgical management •Functional crown lengthening •Gingival augmentation. The workshop was planned and conducted jointly by the American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology with financial support from the American Academy of Periodontology Foundation, Colgate, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc., Geistlich Biomaterials, SUNSTAR, and Procter & Gamble Professional Oral Health. Based on the findings from step 1, a determination of mild-moderate periodontitis can be made, which is considered Stage I or Stage II. It also gives information about what you can expect when you come to hospital. 10.1 Introduction . Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, Oppose Washington State HB 1935 & SB 5833, Virginia Hygienist Used Public Health to Launch Efforts for Underserved. According to flap reflection or tissue content: a. Full-thickness flap. Periodontal plastic surgery for gingival augmentation, mucosal diseases or conditions.for correction of recession or soft tissue defects, or for other enhancement of oral esthetics. Number of times cited according to CrossRef: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Implant Restorative Dentistry. 3 This introductory paper presents an overview for the new classification of periodontal and peri‐implant diseases and conditions, along with a condensed scheme for each of four workgroup sections, but readers are directed to the pertinent consensus reports and review papers for a thorough discussion of the rationale, criteria, and interpretation of the proposed classification. Deep Learning Hybrid Method to Automatically Diagnose Periodontal Bone Loss and Stage Periodontitis. Defining Metaniches in the Oral Cavity According to Their Microbial Composition and Cytokine Profile. Part 4: treatment options for residual periodontal pockets. Peri‐implant mucositis is characterized by bleeding on probing and visual signs of inflammation.28 While there is strong evidence that peri‐implant mucositis is caused by plaque, there is very limited evidence for non‐plaque induced peri‐implant mucositis. Gum disease treatments may cost … The effects of ozone therapy on periodontal therapy: A randomized placebo‐controlled clinical trial. In its more serious form, called periodontitis, the gums can pull away from the tooth, bone can be lost, and the teeth may loosen or fall out. Best Oral Surgery in California | Periodontal Care in California - Check out our post and learn about some kind of dental problems like tooth decay, tooth cavities and etc. Flashcards. 3. This paper summarizes the proceedings of the World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri‐implant Diseases and Conditions. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The workshop was co‐sponsored by the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and included expert participants from all over the world. The American Academy of Periodontology Classifications are designed to help dental hygienists … C. According to flap placement after surgery: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. Journal of Periodontology, 89. doi:10.1002/jper.17-0739. She is currently completing a doctorate program in health sciences. The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) announced new periodontal classifications for the AAP Guidelines. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Thus, grading allows the clinician to incorporate individual patient factors into the diagnosis, which are crucial to comprehensive case management (Table 3). All findings and recommendations of the workshop were agreed to by consensus. In its early stage, called gingivitis, the gums become swollen, red, and may bleed. Molecular signatures of extracellular vesicles in oral fluids of periodontitis patients. Sometimes, periodontal surgery may be needed to treat certain gum diseases and conditions, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. Development of a nomogram for the prediction of periodontal tooth loss using the staging and grading system: A long‐term cohort study. Characterization of macrophages infiltrating peri‐implantitis lesions. RNA sequencing for ligature induced periodontitis in mice revealed important role of S100A8 and S100A9 for periodontal destruction. Highly Robust, Flexible, and Large‐Scale 3D‐Metallized Sponge for High‐Performance Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a set of inflammatory conditions affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. Currently, we have yet to consistently and predictably restore periodontal … Adjunctive Antiseptic Irrigation of Periodontal Pockets: Effects on Microbial and Cytokine Profiles. . Research indicates that 80% of North American adults have some form of periodontal disease, while evidence also indicates that there is a link between oral and systemic health. Factors affecting decision making at reassessment of periodontitis. “A periodontal flap is a section of gingiva and/or mucosa surgically separated from the underlying tissues to provide visibility and access to the bone and root surface. Impact of a change in classification criteria on the prevalence of peri‐implantitis: A cross‐sectional analysis. Conventional flap. This paper describes and illustrates the use of the blanket or continuous hem loop suture for periodontal flap surgery. The analysis of this evidence has prompted the 2017 workshop to develop a new classification framework for periodontitis.14, In the last 30 years, the classification of periodontitis has been repeatedly modified in an attempt to align it with emerging scientific evidence. Browse. Caton, J. G., Armitage, G., Berglundh, T., Chapple, I. L., Jepsen, S., Kornman, K. S., . New classification of periodontal & peri-implant diseases: Perio & Daibetes's animation: We all love to smile: Primary prevention of peri-implantitis: Past EFP Perio Sessions. Periodontal: Classifications of Periodontal Diseases. Oral health and gastrointestinal cancer: A nationwide cohort study. Peri-Implantitis and Peri-Implant Mucositis Case Definitions in Dental Research: A Systematic Assessment. Created by. Contact us to get our oral health services in multiple locations across California such as West Covina CA, Chino Hills CA, Corona CA, … Zitzmann, N. (2018). Two‐piece zirconia versus titanium implants after 80 months: Clinical outcomes from a prospective randomized pilot trial. Working off-campus? Preliminary evaluation of dental hygiene curriculum: Assessment and management of peri‐implant conditions and diseases. CLASSIFICATION OF FLAPS • Periodontal flaps can be classified on the basis of the following: – Bone exposure after flap reflection – Placement of the flap after surgery – Management of the papilla 4. The onset of peri‐implantitis may occur early following implant placement as indicated by radiographic data. This has been remedied by the development of a detailed clas-sification of gingival diseases and lesions that are either dental plaque-induced Treatment effect of guided tissue regeneration on the horizontal and vertical components of furcation defects: A retrospective study. 1989 Jul 8;167(1):29-31. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4806888. The proposed classification of tooth position at periodontal defect sites comprises two grades, with two subcategories, that are based on the buccolingual width of the alveolar bone housing. (2019) The Fonthill Dental Surgery Complication Classification Scale. A new classification scheme for periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions – Introduction and key changes from the 1999 classification. B. Osseous surgery (including flap entry and closure) – one to three contiguous teeth or tooth bounded spaces per quadrant D4274 . Periodontology or periodontics (from Ancient Greek περί, perí – 'around'; and ὀδούς, odoús – 'tooth', genitive ὀδόντος, odóntos) is the specialty of dentistry that studies supporting structures of teeth, as well as diseases and conditions that affect them. General Principles of Periodontal Surgery. Lack of association between mannose binding Lectin-2 gene polymorphisms and periodontitis: A meta-analysis. Lamster IB(1). Upgrade to remove ads. current classification for aggressive periodontitis. Factors affecting decision making at reassessment of periodontitis. The 1989 workshop recognized that periodontitis had several distinct clinical presentations, different ages of onset and rates of progression.7, 8 Based on these variables the workshop categorized periodontitis as prepubertal, juvenile (localized and generalized), adult, and rapidly progressive. Ramfjord (1979) classified periodontal flap surgeries, according to the main purpose of the procedure such as pocket elimination flap, reattachment flap surgery, and mucogingival repair.Carranza (1979) classified flap as full-thickness flap and partial-thickness flap. CLASSIFICATION OF SURGICAL ERRORS - AYURVEDIC VIEWPOINT . A classification scheme for periodontal and peri‐implant diseases and conditions is necessary for clinicians to properly diagnose and treat patients as well as for scientists to investigate etiology, pathogenesis, natural history, and treatment of the diseases and conditions. Coverage of the denuded root surface is one of the primary goals of periodontal plastic surgery. At the World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions held in November 2017, European and North American experts agreed for the first time on the joint design of a classification scheme for periodontal and peri-implant diseases based on the scientific evidence that has surfaced over the past 18 years. Author information: (1)Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery, Division of Periodontics, USA. Diagnosing tooth wear, a new taxonomy based on the revised version of the Tooth Wear Evaluation System (TWES 2.0). View. Key words Periodontal disease, functional classification. Peroxide Use in Dentistry: Is it Safe for Oral Health Care? It was accepted that a patient with gingivitis can revert to a state of health, but a periodontitis patient remains a periodontitis patient for life, even following successful therapy, and requires life‐long supportive care to prevent recurrence of disease.6 The workshop also reorganized the broad spectrum of non‐plaque induced gingival diseases and conditions based on primary etiology (Table 2).4. The 1993 European Workshop determined that the classification should be simplified and proposed grouping of periodontitis into two major headings: adult and early onset periodontitis.9 The 1996 workshop participants determined that there was insufficient new evidence to change the classification.10 Major changes were made in the 1999 classification of periodontitis,11-13 which has been in use for the last 19 years. 2. Armitage GC. Accessing this publication online will allow the reader to use the links in this overview and the tables to view the source papers (Table 1). The publication represents the work of the worldwide community of scholars and clinicians in periodontology and implant dentistry. 1-6. As part of our commitment to support members in managing the risks associated with periodontal diseases, we will be sending out … Other factors affecting the ridge can be associated with medications and systemic diseases reducing the amount of naturally formed bone, tooth agenesis, and pressure from prostheses.31. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. periodontal treatment of AgP (surgical vs non surgical) inheritance patterns of AgP. The procedure is faster, more accurate, and safer. Match. Only $0.99/month. The workshop addressed unresolved issues with the previous classification by identifying the difference between presence of gingival inflammation at one or more sites and the definition of a gingivitis case. . Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Step 3: Establish Grade focuses on assessing risk factors, systemic considerations, and outcomes of non-surgical periodontal therapy.3. Classification guidelines, classification of periodontal surgery here implant dentistry are, however, common systemic,! Antibody response—A Brown Norway rat study with native and denatured cow 's milk.. A nomogram for the case when the primary cause of periodontal disease diseases is offered, based upon,. Partial-Thickness ( mucosal ) flaps 5 term that includes Nonsurgical procedures such as diabetes! Aggressive and chronic periodontitis exhibit specific differences in the alveolar bone housing with classification of periodontal surgery defects evidence-based personalised! 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